Originally posted by Mobius
Think of it this way and maybe you will under stand my ire.
What if a minority liked looking at (sorry Whipit) beasty sex and started posting that crap in this thread. I dont think that you would tolerate more than a couple of post before you will raise up and cast the poster asounder. Or if some one started posting scat or other distastful things in the thread.
Unfortunately, Mobius, you don't know that well. If someone was posting up pictures of things I did not like such as beastiality or scat I would not complain. Why? Because I have a thing called free will and I know that, though it is posted in a public forum, I don't have to look at it.

It's like reading a news paper or watching tv. If I don't like what I see I simply just flip the page or change the channel. I will not begrudge someone else their preferences, nor will I charcterise them. If I did, I would be just like those who call us freaks because we like to be tied up, spanked, or what have you.

I am a very tolerant person when it comes to other people's fetishes and, like I said, that doesn't mean I have to look at it. Just scroll to the next picture. Hopefully it is more to the taste of the viewer.

As for the "grungy man" A little 5 o'clock shadow is far from grungy. Some women even find it sexy, especially in a darker haired man. (shrugs) To me he does not look scruffy or grungy.