Well he and i only work part-time in different departments and i have only talked to him a few times nothing much..... there is always a giant group of people around, but the first time i said anything to him, he tried to take my pen and i held onto it, thinking he was someone else, so i told Him that he could have it and he barked in a half play half-serious "I don't want it"...... luckily he was smiling so i laughed to............... i see him once a week but i dont ever really talk specifically to him, just in general to everyone in the room...... but then last week we locked eyes, something i rarely do, and there was this look in his eyes that i can only describe as "smoldering" and bizzarely "commanding" almost like he "knew" about me...... There are a bunch of other things that can and can't really be explained, but i don't want to bother you with the petty things..... he just has this domineering air about him that may or may not be misleading when it comes to his sexual preference