Quote Originally Posted by sinderella View Post
how do you "keep a lid" on "negative emotions like jealousy"?
You don't: you deal with it. That goes for every kind of problem feelings.

and how could you not feel pangs of jealousy knowing your Master was kissing, fondling, and fucking another submissive, sharing Himself, talking to her, loving her.
In my experience, by focussing on what it means to hir rather than on your own feelings, and being glad that sie is having a good time, whoever with. When I was in a (mostly vanilla) foursome and people asked me if I didn't resent my wife's other husbands, I asked how I could resent anyone doing something good for the woman I loved?
jealousy is not a "negative" emotion - just a real one that you can't NOT feel...it's like trying to sweep an elephant under the rug and pretend it is not there.
This is true. So rather than telling yourself you shouldn't feel it or trying not to feel what you feel, you work with it and find out what about the situation is distressing - are you afraid he'll like her better, do you feel she's getting time you should have?