Austerus: I might have said that the wrong way before. It wasn't that I was chewed out for asking the questions, it was that she was upset I didn't bring it up earlier, which is understandable. I really don't want to mar her reputation here. We did talk and she does respect my limits and everything. I jumped to conclusions when I posted on here for the first time. I was already so sure that she was hiding something and I was wrong. I am planning on continuing with her and I hope that you and everyone on here will forgive me for all the uneccessary worry. I have taken all of the advice on here to heart and I will be sure to be careful.

Vicki: Thank you very much for your concern and the link. I'm very sorry that that happened to you and I will be careful. Even though this was a false alarm of sorts, it is comforting to know that there are so many people willing to help. Thank you again for everything.