Wrong Choice
by snowflake

Sometimes people miss read the entire book,
They see what they see without a second look.
They forget to look at the good parts so dear,
how others give and give even with a tear.

Through the death of love ones so close and near,
Through even all the times they did it in fear.
Through depression so strong you want to end it all,
But in bed and through play you stay on the ball.

But when you work hard all day to get things done,
and your Master says I'm impressed you did a ton.
You may now have one treat a pick of your choice,
and you pick what to you is equivalent to a Roles Royce.

For the pain you live in by a damaged wing is severe,
from all you did to impress the one you hold dear.
You chose to have one night off to easy the pain,
You find that the pain was much worse then the cane.

For something someone wrote hurts much worse to find this,
and find the person whom you tried so hard for is truly pissed.
All because the pain from doing for him was to much to bare,
but now i see what the pain means to him and how much he cares.

Maybe that is what being a sub is all about,
to carry pain so strong be quiet and not pout.
I will take what you give if i have done so wrong,
and will sing the screams of the punishment song.

But remember that depression was not the factor in this
it was the pain's face showing it's true painful hiss.
And because of this pain i hold within is so bad,
to end it all would be easy i hope your not sad.