Greetings & Salutations

As most may know Ms Ruby is going to be cutting back in the level 3 program.
Temporarily at least this mean that Mad and Lews will try to bridge some of the gap.

Change is rarely greeted joyfully and the timing is not ideal for reasons I will explain.

Alas despite Al Gores best efforts winter has descend upon New England which brings about an annual tradition.

Mad Lews will gather his/their sig. ot. and flee to southern climes for weeks on end. I will pack my trusty HP laptop which will accompany me and whenever I find WiFi access I'll be there looking over your shoulders.

We (Mad & Lews) will not be alone!

I plan to "Cry havoc and let slip the Dean of Words". In addition Nikita will monitor with a sharp eye and a switch so please try to behave. This is supposed to be a vacation for me!

Level 4 students may well be called upon to review level 3 assignments

Ruby will contribute as time allows so try not to sniffle too much. You are not being abandoned, but alas you will be going through yet another time of transition.

Best of luck with that.

Mad Lews