I couldn't decide if this was worth starting a new thread over, then figured, "What the hell".

There are still some ways the new system doesn't work as well as the old one. Among other things, I can't figure out how to list posters by most to least posts, as I previously could. By the same token, it would (still) be nice to be able to list reviewers from most to least reviews (as nearly as I can tell, there's no way to list them AT ALL, but then, there never was). By the way, if you're going to be able to list them, it should be doable at least three ways: alphabetical order, number of reviews and average score of reviews. At one time boccaccio was asking for a listing of all registered members with bookshelves (it would be a short list, I think), but he may no longer be interested.

I notice that when I save my PMs to my hardrive, they take up 2 1/2 - 3 times as much memory as they did under the old system.

Also, there used to be a 'next thread/previous thread' button at both the top and bottom of each page, but now they're only at the bottom. While I'm on THAT subject, this isn't a change from the old system, but I wish it HAD changed: Why do you have to go through the rigamarole of hitting the 'next thread' button, being sent to a screen that says 'There are no newer threads. Hit the back button on your browser', then hitting the 'back' button, being sent back to the bottom of the previos screen, having to scroll to the top, then hit another button to get somewhere else? The most logical way to work it would seem to be to simply not have a 'next thread' button on the last thread' (next most logical would be to 'ghost' the button). I don't often use the 'previous thread' button, but I would bet that would work the same way on the 'stalest' thread in each sub-forum.

Having now used this version 3 system for over a month, it definitely is inferior to the version 2 that it replaced. The entire PM system simply is a pain in the butt now (although Thank You for allowing longer PMs!). From that "Do you want a receipt" pop-up that shows up every friggin' time, to it now taking one extra key-stroke to delete a message, to having to click to respond to people who didn't disable the 'read receipt' before they sent the message (version 2 did that automatically, so I never knew when someone was asking for a receipt and when they weren't -- and it's really none of my business, anyway), to that unnecessary button that says 'Go' next to the thing that flip-flops you between Inbox and Sent Items (flipping it sends you -- you don't ever get the chance to hit the 'Go' button), the whole thing seems to've been designed by someone who was thinking "God, I hope I never have to use this system myself!"

Change for the sake of change sucks. If change isn't an improvement, it shouldn't be done.