I thought it would be nice to have a thread where the women could discuss women's type issues. Many women have gone through life changes that us younger ones will go through. Many have delt with difficult problems such as cancers, or lumps, bumps and scary stuffs.

So, if it's okay with everyone else, I think this would be a good so that we can discuss these things and ask questions and all try to be a little safer and take good care of ourselves.

I know that me and my mom didn't really have indepth discussions on this type of stuff ( even though we were open) so I have my own questions and I'm sure others will too. Don't be embarassed or scared or anything. This is IMPORTANT stuff!

Some questions I have:

How often do you do a self breast exam? Where do you do it? (Shower, lying down.) Does your mate/partner know how to do one on you?

Another question: I think I may have an allergy to cotton and women's time of the month products. Has anyone every tried those Diva or Mooncups rather than traditional items such as tampons, etc? What did you think of it? Did it work? Was it comfortable?