I have been on this site for some time, i have met alot of wonderful people.

I feel its time to finally advertise my services.

I have been practising for almost 8 years, Over the years i have spoken to Many girls. I have explored every known fetish, i have enjoyed all except for Snuff. and server body mutilation. I am knowledgable in all and iwlling to step into each.

My styles are slightly unorthodox compared to other doms. I have been an active memeber here for about a year and thusly have worked my own styles and talents.

My style focuses on increasing the level of female excitement (horniness) having a female get to the point where she is dripping wet and begging for me is what i enjoy achieving constantly

i enjoy hearing your fantasies and helping them become reality is they are safe for you. I enjoy helping lead females into new exciting depraved acts. i have shown many new and exciting areas of their sexuality they have never forgotten.

I have dominated many older and younger females, several off this site. Oh you know who you are I have dominated Single, Married and still at home females.

Now matter your fetish, no matter you situation i would like to speak with you if you feel you would like to become a dirty deprived slut.

I do naturaly request a webcam from you as i would like to see you at some point. If you are not ready to jump on i am acceptable with that as long as you either have one or are willing to accurie one.

If you are interested or have any questions, Feel free to PM me or add me to the messengers. I would like you to tell me:

Your age
Where your from
What messenger you have (if Pm) including addy
Your fetish
What your searching for

and anything else you feel would be of interest to me that would promote your services

Thank you