Thanks for being so honest in your previous post, Scarlet. Really brave of you, but I'm glad you're finally on the right road now and are happy about that :-)

Quote Originally Posted by scarlet_85 View Post
Also, I think knowing how I feel about BDSM, I would struggle with being with a straight vanilla partner. Cheating is not ok in my eyes. Regardless of the circumstances. So, knowing what I know now, my partner would have to have some interest on BDSM. I have a hard time with open relationships and the poly side of BDSM. I like exclusiveness (I know that's not a word lol).
I'll second your opinion on open and poly relationships. It's not something that feels natural to me at all - I've recently tried to be in a casual arrangement with someone (not even a form of relationship, literally just having some fun whenever it can be arranged) and it's really hard for me to accept that that's all it will ever be, and that they're probably going to be seeing other people at the same time as me. If I'm honest I'm not actually looking for another relationship just yet anyway, but I can never control my emotions and I always seem to get more emotionally involved in any situation than I might like to be. Hopefully practice will make perfect and I'll be able to do casual as much as the next person!!