A few things to try:

- Make sure that every possible form of communication is used. Not just e-mail, not just skype, not just messenger, not just letters but EVERYTHING. In order to ensure that the sub (you) feels completely under control there needs to be nowhere she/he can hide. This means that at any moment they could potentially expect a text message, an e-mail, a phone call or whatever. Trust me, this sensation of having every communication method possible available to your Dom/me is quite powerful and almost (but not quite) replaces their actual presence.

- Added to the above. Factor in r/l stuff whenever you can afford it (yeah, I know, Australia... its a bit of a hike...). You will need the hope of occasional r/l meets to sustain you (even if it is only once a year).

- Make a set of rules for communication and behaviour which you have to stick to. Discuss what is suitable for you but it should include a particular time of day when you have to be online/on the phone to talk to him or something similar that suits both your schedules (yeah, I know, Australia, time zones are a pain in the arse...). You can also add in rules about things like Yahoo messenger/MSN (one online Mistress I knew had a rule that if one of her subs saw her online they had to immediately greet her with Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Mistress) and e-mail (must reply to an e-mail within a certain time, for example). These rules may seem a little silly and petty at times but they do help because, again, you know when you will be speaking to your Master and this can be reassuring.

- Look into tasks that are appropriate to be done online. There are some in the tasking society here and there are whole forums full of ideas out there in the big wide internet. Often these are writing tasks but there are also physical tasks out there. There are a lot of self bondage sites out there but I would be careful with them - some of the activities are unsafe so if you go down this route make sure you (or your Master) checks the methods carefully and makes a valued judgement as to the safety. Many online tasks involve taking photos or video or audio to demonstrate completion of the task so make sure you have a decent digicam, a webcam and a videocamera avaiable.