I joined the library over a year ago and the more I have learned the more I have “joked” that my 12 years of Catholic School was training for my submission. While it is funny to joke about I can’t help but wonder how much truth is there to this notion?

In Catholic School I was trained/taught to:

Worship my God
Kneel/genuflect when I entered churched before taking my seat and specific points during Mass
I was not allowed to challenge authority
I was controlled and disciplined
I had commandments to follow
If I sinned I had to do penance
I was also raised to fear my God; I had to be a “good girl” at all times
It was very common to wear a necklace that reminded me of my God at all times

Please note, I do not wish to offend anyone with this thread, if you do not like it, please move on, I don't wish to cause any arguments. Also, I do subscribe to my religion so please don't see this thread as an open invitation to bash it.

Forum is now open! What are your thoughts? Does anyone else feel that same way that went to Catholic School?