So I have been in a relationship with my Master for 3 years and serious for the last 2 1/2. We met online and live 4 hours away from each other and have only gotten together twice the first time for 3 days and then second time just for the day (a few hours). The first year was great but then things change which was a few months after the last time we got together. He got way busy and spent less time with me and I tried being understanding but it seems each day and week goes by and we talk less and less. He does have a high demanding job since he is a firefighter and I have had to move back home due to being laid off and have a job that barely pays the bills. I think he uses me moving home as an excuse for not having to talk to me or contacting me on a regular basis. I'm lucky if I hear from him every 3 days when he works and when he does work its 5 minutes here and there if we are lucky. He says he tries to talk to me as much as he can but for some reason I don't totally believe him. I have tried to tell him how I feel but he always says that I'm just being dramatic when I'm really not I just don't think he is listening to me when I say I'm so upset. We used to play all the time and he would give me tasks to accomplish but it is so far and few between these days. I think the last time we played was over a month ago and he seems to be ok with things.

My question is how do I get it through his head that I need more then what he is giving me without accusing him of neglecting me? Any help would be appreciated.