Quote Originally Posted by Thorne View Post
This conversation has become very bizarre. I never thought I'd hear someone actually be nostalgic about the USSR and communism. Except maybe one of the politburo members, perhaps. Or one of the "lazy bums" who want everything handed to them without having to actually work for it.
You miss my point.
I dont say that USSR was perfect but it is good system which forces you to be lazy and conserve resources, you wont get reward for being active earth destructor. Economy cannot grow indefinitely because earth is limited.
I don't say it is something we should desire but there just no other way and it is not that bad as it seems.
we just cant continue this insanity we need to become lazy bums or severely reduce earth population.

Why has it become a crime for someone to work hard and earn enough money to keep his family well provided for? Why is having more than someone else considered evil? My wife and I have worked our whole lives, saving for retirement. Should we know just hand that money over to people who don't want to work? Why? It's not my fault they're broke.
You are evil because you burn gasoline when you fly to Hawaii. You are burning what belongs to everyone.
If I will not consume my share of gasoline you will burn it all and leave nothing to me.

Ahh, maybe here is the problem! Yes, I own property. I own my home. I own my car. I have PAID for them. When the time comes, I'll happily SELL them to you. And YOU can PAY for them. In the meantime, I continue to pay taxes on them, so that the state can build those roads for everyone to use. Of course, if I can't pay those taxes, the state will take my property from me. Then maybe I can complain about those who pay their taxes, own their property, and live normal lives. Because they've EARNED it!
So you sell them to me and where are you going to live? I think Chinese and Russians will gladly buy everything you have, and pay well, but you will notice that you have no place to live anymore, because they doesn't need your hard work, they only need your land.

The only way they will learn that is if their government allows them to become educated. And once that happens they will quickly learn that it is their own government that is the parasite sucking their blood!
Of course blame their government but who the hell is supporting these corrupt governments? who is giving them guns and money?
I guess it is not these poor uneducated people.
And I think you know what happens to government that refuse to obey, they all end like Qaddafi and Saddam.