Only one knows this.....she knows who.
Appears in your darkened room as you sleep. Sees you are asleep laying face up. Your lips slightly parted and your hair loose about your pillow.
I kneel at the side of your bed and watch you silently. Watching your chest raise at each relaxed breath.
I gently move the hair from your neck and presses my dry lips to you. I feel the fierce beat of your heart at rest.
Your scent and warmth excite me greatly , yet I remain as silent as the night.
Only the whispers of the breeze and your breathing fill the darkess.
I caress your cheek lightly, lovingly with my palm.
My mouth opens in wanton desire................fangs pressing oh so softly to your slender throat.
I close my eyes and press my mouth onto you.................a million tiny lights illuminate my consciousness as the precious fluid flows into me yearning mouth.......
I close my eyes and no others possibly could......deep into the recesess of your very soul.
I see my reflection looking back at me and realize it is you.
Always you.......
No ripples in the fabric of time.
It is Love. A love like no other......
We know us is us.
I flit away into the night.