The trouble is that the people behind this initiative have absolutely no idea how the internet works. They think there is a magic button that Google can press to make this all happen but really there is no real, 100% certain way to block anything on the internet other than to turn it off...

Child porn... well, here's a thing... as far as I am aware there are no child porn websites that advertise themselves as such. A potential paedophile, who will be aware that what they want is already illegal, would be unlikely to go to google and type in 'child porn'. That is a very quick way for you to get caught and any sites they did find on such a search would likely come under scrutiny themselves (though I suspect most sites you found with such a search term would actually be those discussing this issue and similar ones...).

No, only a truly stupid person would look up something illegal on google and only a really stupid person would set up a website that claimed to be able to offer genuine child porn and actually advertise it publically as such. Child porn rings work through blacknets - invite only forums and message boards with fake covers, sending stuff only through private email or in person. Difficult to detect and even harder to block. The only stuff that a policy like this will actually affect is the legal stuff - the sites that take pains to make sure they follow the laws, ensure IDs of all models and that they are overage, get consent and so on. The government know this because the police know this.

So, really this has absolutely nothing to do with child porn or rape. It has everything to do with appeasing the Daily Mail and other tabloid reading Middle Englanders - making it look as if the government is doing something about 'all this awful pornography that is out there' while leaving space for page three to continue to exist (it is 'just harmless fun'...) and for the tabloids to carry on trying to get good wholesome photos of Kate Middleton naked on the beach somewhere tropical (because a naked woman is 'human interest' if she is a member of the Royal family). You know, the usual tabloid hypocrisy bullshit which basically says 'Porn is fine if it is only us doing it'.

In the meantime, like all government IT projects, they'll spend less money on it than is needed to make sure it is up to date with the technology from 10 years ago and then either complain when it fails or quietly brush it under the carpet and hope no one notices that there is still just as much porn on the internet and the Child Porn rings seem to be still out there...