just ine,

I do see this frequently on the site, I feel it is a personal choice between the couple. I actually think is is quite lovely, it is in my mind like when you become married to the man you love and take his name. It is a way of letting the world know that you are his in a public way. I personally don't have an issue with one way or the other, it doesn't bother me. Some may think it is a little much, but all in all like I said it matters not what we think in the end....

I do not personally have my Sir's name as a tag after mine. We have discussed it briefly and we both feel that it is known between us and that's the most important part. While it is not tagged on my name per say, it is written in my profile for others to see and know. I am very PROUD of who owns me and if anyone asks they will know too.

I feel that yes they do get treated differently, people are more likely to make sure before they play or PM if the relationship is an open or closed one. I feel it can help on confusion and maybe stepping on someones else's toes so to speak.

In the long run I feel that what you have between the two of you is the most important aspect of it all, not the name tags. If you are in a happy monogamous relationship you can always politely let others know, and if your poly and free the choice is there too. It's all about personal choice and the freedom to express yourself, which I think this site is all about letting you do without judgement.