This is another piece from an old working journal. This will be the first time that it has been made public. It was written during a particularly dark point in my life. I had suffered a personal loss. At the time I was in a very dark place with myself. This was part of the healing. The last line has been changed. Looking back I found that the original line was not at all true. It did reflect my feelings at the time, but in retrospect, the new last line is more true. Or at least it has been in my case.

deserted dreams die a hard death
they cling and struggle demanding resurrection
and only when time has dulled the sharp claws
with which they cling to our hearts
do they slip away in the dark recesses of the past.

doomed desire depletes the joy decried
once shouted and proudly displayed now silent
a mute and depressing witness to how
life's ever changing landscape can become
bleak and deprived of color and beauty

Love long looked for suddenly lost
gone like a wisp of early morning fog
leaving behind only the memory
which brings not joy but melancholy
at the remembrance of its touch

Happiness having had its short hesitation
continues away leaving behind the emptiness
of laughter gone, smiles faded and hearts broken
and in the absence of these things
Life goes on, forever changing.