Thank You for the advice, Sir and thank you for taking the time to answer *smiles* I didn't think you were being a snub at all.

I do agree that there is a time and place for creativity verses more seriousness, it does very much so depend upon the situation and type of writing that is being expected. As with punishments? This is not an area that would evoke creativity should it be a response to explain understanding or reason for correction. Creativity in these areas, in my opinion, would be just as, if not more, disrespectful then what ever it was that I may have done to earn a punishment. So yes, i very much agree that there is a time and place depending upon the situation.

However, it still brings up questions, and not just by myself, as to what others do prefer to read when sitting there conversing with another... be it in play, beginning negotiations, or role play. I have spoken with many over the last few months that have worries that run on both sides of the idea of 'Am I giving enough' or 'Am I giving too much' in the form of descriptions and words.

There are those out there that worry that because they do not give enough descriptions that this may make them seem lacking and those that worry that they say too much and may come across as boring or in some cases more of a chore to connect with due to the time it takes them to type out their responses.

I have told them, like so many have told me, just be you and don't worry about trying to be someone else, but like so many others? We hear these words of beautiful wisdom and advice but our insecurities have a tendency to dim the affect of that beautiful advice. So it is my hope, that by asking this question, is to gain a better variety of opinions so that those out there asking themselves the same question or worrying over the same insecurity will see that there are in fact a variety of opinions on what others would like to read and that it is in fact 'Okay' to be who we are. I hope that makes sense.

Again? Thank You very much for you beautiful advice and Your time for answering.