*Wavies and smiles big* Hello everyone and Big Hug to you, my Friend *smiles*

I really like this question *smiles* Though it is really hard to pick just one thing that catches my eye at first?

I think that for me? It would have to be... Confidence *sighs a little*

To know what You want, when You want it and how You want it.. such a lovely lovely thing that is *sighs a little more* but also? To have confidence in knowing who They are, in knowing Their place, in understanding the power They may one day hold, and confidence in knowing that they are not infallible and will stand and admit when They may be wrong or stand and correct when I may be wrong.

I am submissive and Confidence makes my knees go weak *grins and nods* also sparks the bratty side which can be kind of fun too *wink*