
My master and I have seperated. On Boxing day we decided that things just weren;t going so well, with us living at opposite ends of the country and with the feelings being of different strengths, we agree to just be friends.

He stayed around for a couple of days after, and left in the early hours of the morning today.

I don;t know what I'm going to do without him. I feel totally lost. It's not just like breaking up with a boyfriend, he was my friend, my lover, the man i wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and above all that, my Master.

I know that I'll survive without him, hell, I'm a grown up responsible teacher type person, but it doesn;t mean i want to survive without him!

How do you cope?

I'm thinking it's either alcohol or screwing around, I hate hangovers, so I'm guessing it's going to be the latter. Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a way to start 2005!

Sorry, I just had no where else to express this. My family don;t know about the D/s, so to them, it's just another boyfreind!