OOC: If there are any dom(me)s interested in this area of roleplay, I am very open as to where the story line may lead within the genral subject defined in the title.

I'd had to work overtime, leaving work very late and it wasn't until after the owner had locked up and left that I realized that I had left my keys in the store. All atempts to call friends had gone to voice mail and it now appeared that I would have to walk home.

Normally, this would be little cause for concern. Though not in the best of neighborhoods, the store was in a reasonably safe area. At least that was usually the case; however, recently a number of young women had disappeared from the area. But even with my longish hair and slight frame I was quite clearly not a girl. Well, possibly I had been mistaken for one a time or two but not often.

As I began making my way home it seemed that the streets were getting darker and darker. What if I WERE mistaken for a girl and taken. Would my captors let me go or, more likely, would they just kill me out of hand.

Becoming more and more nervous I begin to hurry, suddenly aware of a dark van that seems to be keeping pace with me.