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Review This Story || Author: Gromet

Bound for Trouble

Part 5

Bound for Trouble 5
by Gromet 
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Left in the barn overnight by my husband and our friends, a leather collar 
fixed in place around my neck with a chain attached the other end secured 
to the wall, my hands & feet securely shackled and a large ball gag filled 
my mouth. They had kidnapped me as an anniversary surprise and used my 
bound body for their own pleasures and mine! They had taped the whole 
episode on video and I was eager to see the result, but for now I had 
asked them to continue using me as a sex slave. 
After being fed scraps of food for breakfast and allowed to relieve myself 
I was taken out of the barn by Jenny, she took me by the chain attached to 
the collar around my neck and lead me outside, falling over in the dirt 
several times as she dragged me along, the shackles causing me to trip 
over. She led me over to a large tree away from the house and barn, she 
attached a rope to the shackles on my wrists and threw the other end over 
a branch of the tree and pulled the rope taught, my feet were barely 
touching the ground as she tied the rope off to the tree. She placed a 
spreader bar between the shackles on my ankles causing my feet to leave 
the ground; I was left hanging by my wrists as she headed back to the 
The strain on my arms was tremendous as I was stretched to my limits, 
unable to place my feet on the ground, the muscles in my arms were 
complaining sending sharp pains to my brain. Jenny returned with a hose in 
her hand, she turned on the nozzle and sprayed icy cold water over my 
bound, hanging body; I was unable to escape the jets of water and had to 
endure the water torture. She hosed my body all over as the slight breeze 
caused my body to react; my skin was covered in goose bumps, my nipples 
stood out loud & proud. She closed off the water and went into the house 
leaving me shivering whilst hanging there from the tree branch. 
She returned after about half an hour and began to run her hands over my 
body, her touch sending shivers throughout my body as I felt her soft 
touch, her hands worked there way towards my pleasure center which was 
rapidly becoming wetter as she continued playing with my body. She brought 
me closer & closer to orgasm as she seemed to delight in my body's 
reaction to her touch, her mouth began to caress my breasts running her 
tongue over my erect nipples making them rise even more. Her hands played 
between my legs sending waves of delight throughout my body, her moist 
warm lips working at my nipples as I rushed towards my climax. She sensed 
my impending orgasm and stopped just before I could finish. 
Jenny stepped back and looked me in the eye, a smile spread across her 
mouth as she surveyed my bound body hanging from the tree. She placed her 
hand into her pocket and brought out two clips, she stepped forward and 
took great delight in placing them onto each nipple, and they closed 
around my tender flesh sending a sharp pain from their grasp. She placed a 
small chain between the two clamps and pulled sharply downwards sending 
even more pain throughout my body. Jenny seemed to be enjoying seeing me 
struggle against what she was doing to me, it was supposed to be a game 
but she seemed to be taking it to extremes. 
She walked over to a small sapling branch laying on the ground, picking it 
up she returned to my bound body and raising her hand brought down the 
branch down against my flesh, she continued to beat me with it working the 
branch over my body each time hitting somewhere fresh & new. After the 
first few strokes the pain started to subside and turned towards being 
more pleasurable than painful, my body began to warm to the touch as 
stroke after stroke hit me. She worked her way around to the back of my 
body and worked her way down my back towards my two round buns, she seemed 
to increase the intensity of her strokes as she placed them on my bottom, 
the last two or three were really hard and tears were streaming from my 
eyes as she stopped to rest. 
Jenny looked deeply into my eyes as she again began to play with my body, 
her hands again began to roam over my naked flesh and her mouth closed 
over my nipples. She again brought me close to climax but stopped short 
when she thought I was close, smiling as she picked up the small sapling 
branch and again whipping me. After working the branch over my body again 
she stopped and threw the branch away, looked at me hanging there she 
began to laugh as she walked back to the house leaving me swaying in the 
breeze. My body was sore all over from the beating and being stretched for 
so long by hanging from my wrists, I ached in every part of my being and 
felt frustrated at not being able to come. 
I heard a rustling from behind a bush away to my right as my husband 
stepped into view, he'd been hiding in there recording what had just 
happened as part of the video.  He ran his hands over my body and worked 
his way down to my warm pussy, pushing his fingers into me he worked me 
into a frenzy as I hung there, his mouth playing with my breasts it did 
not take me long to explode into orgasm. My entire body shook as the 
climax took hold, my muscles contracting as the pleasure washed throughout 
my bound body, I continued to twitch as the after shocks swept over me. 
He untied the rope from the tree and lowered me down to the ground; taking 
the spreader bar off my ankles he picked me up in his arms and carried me 
into the house. He gently laid me down onto the bed and removed the 
shackles from my limbs, he then soothed my sore body by rubbing a cool 
cream all over my flesh taking some of the sting out from the beating I 
had received. He told me they had one more scene to play before they had 
finished, but I would be allowed to rest up for a short while, I heard his 
voice continue as I drifted off into a deep sleep and didn't catch the 
ending of what was going to happen next. 
In the evening I was dragged out of my sleep by hands holding my body as 
they worked straps around me, at first I panicked at what was going on 
making them hold me tighter as the straps dug into my flesh. They were 
placing me into a body harness that held my arms at my sides, straps 
worked around my crotch and over my shoulders securing me tightly within 
its grasp, I couldn't move my upper body my arms were held tightly against 
my torso. They stepped back to admire their handiwork, as I looked down at 
all the straps that bound my body, Jenny placed a gag in my mouth and 
fastened the straps around my head, the gag forced my mouth open. A small 
chain was attached to the front of the harness whilst someone else placed 
my feet into a leather hobble; a small chain ran between the two cuffs. 
They picked me up off the bed and stood me on the floor, Jenny pulled on 
the chain attached to the harness and I walked slowly out of the door, the 
hobble allowing only short steps. I was taken back to the barn where they 
had set up the next scene, an area was lit up by spotlights and on the 
floor was a mattress, I was taken over to a post and the chain was locked 
to a small ring attached to the post. They started to get themselves 
ready, removing the robes they had been wearing and putting hoods over 
their heads, they were all naked apart from the hoods. Jenny and her 
husband lay down on the mattress and began playing with each other, she 
ran her tongue over his body and he reciprocated the same. 
My husband had started the camera's to record the scene and watched as 
they continued to make love to one another bringing themselves both to 
climax, I stood and watched from the corner were I was secured to the 
post, my sex getting hotter and moist as I watched their love play. When 
they had sufficiently recovered from their exertions they unlocked me from 
the post and brought me to the mattress, I was left standing at the edge 
of the mattress while Jenny brought my husband onto the mattress and began 
to play with his cock, placing it in her mouth tormenting me with a 
sideways glance and wry smile as she slurped my husband's penis in her 
mouth, causing him to become hard and erect. Her husband them joined them 
on the mattress and she placed he hand around his member bringing him to 
his full size. 
They were now ready for me as both men stood there with their erect 
members standing up like guards, Jenny grabbed hold of the chain and 
pulled me onto the mattress, both men began to play with my body making me 
hotter, my pussy cried out for attention with it's juices running down my 
legs. When Jenny returned I saw that she was wearing a strap-on dildo, 
it's size larger than the two real cocks they where close at hand so to 
speak. "Yes my dear all three of us are going to fuck you to death, we are 
going to use your body to satisfy ourselves!" she said. 
Jenny's husband laid down on the mattress and I was lowered onto his erect 
penis, it entered my moist hole with ease as my muscles squeezed onto his 
member he let out a sigh, Jenny swatted my ass and told me to stop what I 
was doing. Next my husband came around to my face I then saw that he had 
put on a harness around his waist and crotch, he grabbed my head and 
pushed his dick into my mouth, the gag holding it open for him as he 
thrust it to the back of my mouth, he then attached two clips to the gag 
harness from the one around his waist and I was now unable to remove my 
head from his groin. I now had two cocks working within me, one in my 
pussy and one in my mouth both moving in unison, pushing into me. 
Jenny came up behind me and after squirting some lubricant up my rear 
pushed the dildo into my tight sphincter causing me to cry out with the 
pain as she continued to push into me, the cock in my mouth holding back 
my cries. They all began to use me for their pleasure, thrusting in & out 
of my abused body. After the initial shock of the rear entry I began to 
enjoy the sensations that all three cocks were doing to my body, and it 
wasn't long before the first earth shattering orgasm overtook my body, 
exploding throughout my being, wave after wave of pleasure cascading about 
my body. They continued to use me pushing themselves in & out of my holes 
using me as a sex toy bringing me on to another smaller climax, my tongue 
closed tighter to my husbands penis in my mouth and he let go a stream of 
cum, all I could do was try and swallow the thick gooey liquid as he 
filled my mouth with his cock. 
Shortly thereafter Jenny's husband exploded in my pussy, his member 
becoming bigger as he neared his climax, more sperm gushed into my body as 
he spent his load within me as I continued to try and swallow the sperm in 
my mouth. 
Jenny was the last to come as she pushed the dildo within me it rubbed up 
against her little nub bringing her to an earth shattering climax and she 
collapsed on top of me, her body twitching in the aftermath of her orgasm. 
We lay there in a heap with my husband still firmly attached to my face by 
the harness's, he yelled out "Cut!" 
We all started to laugh as we recovered from our exertions. 
Later after cleaning away all the items we'd used and returning to the 
house for a nice long bath I asked my husband if they had finished the 
filming. He said that yes they had and hoped that I had enjoyed the 
surprise anniversary present. 
"Yes" I said but asked if I could direct another scene that would round 
off the story, 
Then I told him of my idea for the ending of the film that would spice up 
the movie although it was already very spicy indeed. I told him of an old 
fantasy of mine was to be used as they had and then my body was 'disposed 
of' at the end, left tied up in a ditch, saying that the kidnap ransom had 
now been paid and I was left in the countryside to be found. 
So an hour later I was bound with tape, gagged & blindfolded and bundled 
into a sack by both men while Jenny filmed the event for the tape, both 
men were wearing their masks as they attended to my body. After being 
placed into the sack I was thrown into the boot of the car and the lid 
slammed shut with me trapped inside. Unknown to me Jenny had taken it on 
herself to direct the action and had planned a few changes for me! 
They all climbed into the car and drove off for a few miles, they chose to 
drive over bumpy back roads, picking out every lump & bump in the road, 
the dust seeping into the car boot choking me within the sack, they 
stopped at a diner for something to eat, leaving me within the boot. 
After they had finished their meal they came back to the car and continued 
driving some more, I had no idea where they were taking me and this was 
part of the plan. 
Eventually they stopped and got out of the car, opening the boot they took 
out the shovels they had brought with them and they carried me into the 
forest. They continued walking some distance from the car until Jenny said 
that this was the spot, I was dropped onto the ground, knocking the wind 
out of me as I made contact with the floor. 
Jenny instructed the men to dig as she continued to film, she had set the 
camera's up on tripods and lit up the area for the filming earlier, but I 
was not to know that this was the back of their property. 
As the men dug the ditch that I was destined to be put into, Jenny 
approached me bound in the sack, she told me that she had persuaded the 
others to change my scripted ending and that I was going to be buried here 
and not worry about my husband as she would take care of all his sexual 
needs from now on! She continued to tease and taunt me as I screamed in 
the sack to let me go, struggling against my bonds I was beginning to get 
hot between my legs and she took great delight in my reaction. She began 
laughing as she walked away; she then kicked me as I lay there. 
At last the digging stopped and I heard Jenny direct the two men to 'pick 
me up and throw the bitch into the hole!' I felt my body being lifted as 
both men carried me over to the hole they had dug; they swung my body in 
the sack over the hole and dropped me in. I seemed to drop for ages, how 
deep was this hole that seemed now to be my grave? 
Finally making contact with the earth I hit it with a thud, my body crying 
out at the pain this caused, unseen hands maneuvered my body so that I was 
laying face upwards in the ditch, my husband said "Good-bye and hoped that 
I was enjoying this ending!" as he stepped back.  Jenny then jumped into 
the ditch and opened the top of the sack, she placed a gas mask over my 
head covering my face, this would allow me to breathe when buried. I 
started to feel a warm glow spread from my belly over my body as Jenny 
bent down and whispered in my ear "Good-bye slut! Hope you enjoyed your 
anniversary". She then closed the sack as I caught a last sight of my 
husband smiling at me. 
She then told the men to cover me with dirt, they shoveled it on top of me 
covering me bound within the sack, they seemed to take there time placing 
the dirt on me, more & more dirt covered me. My hands taped in front of me 
worked on my little nub sending delightful sensations throughout my body 
as each piece of dirt hit my body until when fully covered I exploded into 
a wonderful climax. 
Now buried within the ditch I climaxed as the dirt was padded down by all 
three above me, Jenny then laid down on top of me and invited my husband 
to screw her on his wife's grave. I could feel there weight as he laid on 
top of her pushing himself into her and pumping away until they both came 
whilst  her husband came and laid beside her and she took his erection 
within her mouth swallowing him down, they all came in unison as I heard 
their cries of pleasure above me as I climaxed below them. They left me 
buried there as they picked up all of the equipment and carried it to the 
car, finally Jenny came back to check on my breathing and said "Good-bye! 
Bitch!" She went on to say that I would remain here until the instructions 
on how to find me were delivered by post to my home, however long that 
would be! This sent more waves of pleasure through my body as she walked 
back to the car. 
The letter arrived the day with the instructions for my husband where to 
find me, as the postman delivered the map to our home and my husband made 
his way to recover me. After removing me from the ditch he took me out of 
the sack and we made love there in the clearing I had been buried in. He 
asked if I had enjoyed acting out my fantasy and I told him it fulfilled 
my wildest dreams, but I still had a few more to act out! We both laughed 
as he picked me up and carried me to the car, he said that maybe we could 
act out some more next anniversary. "Mmm!" I said "I hope we won't have to 
wait that long!" 

Review This Story || Author: Gromet
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