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  1. A muck, a muck, a muck...

    Points if you get the reference, though the title has nothing to do with what i feel like writing about today

    Updated 11-01-2008 at 02:46 PM by thegirlwonder

  2. Questions/Rant

    *waves to whoever chooses to read this*

    Recently I have essentially been called a slut by a couple of people who don't really know me and made some pretty serious assumptions. Because of that it doesn't bother me too much, but thinking about it has raised some questions for me.

    Both said that I play around with a lot of people in chat. I most often play with friends who I have met on the site. I'm here to gain experience and meet friends. I am not looking for an ...
  3. Hello!

    So, once in a while I feel the need to babble and just pour out, so I guess that this would be a good spot to let loose!

    I really enjoy the community that this site provides. I love knowing that I can sign into chat, be welcomed and be entertained. You people are wonderful and have cheered me up so many times!

    Every once in a while, I think of a story that for some reason I want to share, and if I ever have the courage to tell it, this will be the place.
  4. Couriouse

    Hi my name is nikki new to this site just discovering BDSM I'M VERY COURIOUSE and interested in online learning at the moment.
  5. Storytime.

    LoL, this will teach me to keep my mouth shut when i get feisty =)

    So back awhile i got that italian soda, and made a snarky vanilla comment to the cashier, lol... *giggles* It's in a past blog if you'd like to read the stupid thing, but ANYWAYS, "random guy who stood behind me in line and chuckled when i made aforementioned snarky comment" sat down at my table today and handed me a cup.

    "Italian soda," he says, setting it down.

    i must have just looked ...

    Updated 11-19-2008 at 07:53 PM by thegirlwonder

  6. Chains and slave girls

    by , 10-29-2008 at 10:56 AM (Surfing the Internet for bondage so you don't have to)
    A fuck slave wears chains.

    She knows her collar, Her hair makes the padlock difficult. However she cannot escape the tight confines around her neck.

    Is she sexy, well yes, fuckable, of course.

    She waits, she is a slave, a slave girl in chains.

    A fuck toy.

    In chains, a collar around her neck, wrists linked, but ankles free so her legs can be spread………..

    My riding crop will teach her how to obey.
  7. thoughts of a twisted illusion

    by , 10-28-2008 at 07:58 PM (thoughts of a twisted illusion)
    random songs... random thoughts... just a song that i think someone else might like or feel good about... (VnV Nation - Illusion) if you have never heard it.. look it up on youtube. cant stop listening to it tonight, at least the words keep playing over and over in my head.

    I know its hard to tell
    How mixed up you feel
    Hoping what you need
    Is behind every door
    Each time you get hurt
    I don't want you to change
    Cuz everyone has hopes
  8. Ramblings of a cluttered mind....

    So…I’ve been thinking about who I am. Why I’m wired this way. Trying to find a moment in the past when I suddenly became me. I was younger then, innocent even. My head was full of love against the odds and unrequited angst. Patrick Swayze had overcome social class boundaries and taken Baby out of the corner so romantically, Tom Cruise had romanced his instructor out of the elite flight school and into the depths of my imagination. I was raging with hormones I had no idea how to harness and ...
  9. lost

    Today i lost a friend dont know what when on and im not going to drag it throught then mud and have folks take sides all i can say was he was a ray of sunshine at times and will be sorely missed
  10. Love is Blind?

    Is it? Some say yes, and some say no. i think i say that it should be.

    As far as sex... i've been with males and females. There are physical advantages to both sets of naughty bits XD

    As far as gender, i've been with men who identify as MEN (lol,) women who are as girly as they come, men who are even girlier, and some pretty butch ladies. Bisexual? Trysexual? A slut? If that makes it easier for you to digest, then fine. Call me what you'd like. i don't have a problem ...
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