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Conversation Between panthera and jules

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy Birthday!!! *bug hugs*
  2. Thank you hun ~hugs~ hope to see you back chatting soon
  3. jules, I am so happy for you. Congratulations to you both!!!
  4. *leaves a nice big bag of giant marshmallows for you*
  5. ha ha ha....spreads marshmallows all over your bed... I see you can talk again so you must have managed to swallow them all *giggles*
    if you want to talk.. pm me your yahoo
  6. Since I can't get into trouble in chat, decided your wall needed to be RAWR'd at.
  7. Vote #2 for jules being sweet and innocent.
  8. I see you are keeping our mutual friend on his toes. As your adviser, I advise you to keep it up. *grins*
  9. Hope you are keeping your donuts to yourself. Seems like someone with a slight mean streak isn't letting up...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9

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