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Conversation Between subboy15 and Radiance

6 Visitor Messages

  1. hey, my chat glitched last night and that is why I stopped talking. I tried to sign out and sign back in but chat was having issues. We should exchange info so we have another way to communicate just in case something like that happens in the future. Hope you are having a nice day and have a great weekend in front of you
  2. hey there how are you? im in chat if you wanna talk
  3. hi there ....
  4. happy birthday radiance! we still haven't really met yet lol
  5. smiles, thanks for the add and yes i had to answer the door so left fast....will chat soon

  6. hi Radi! I saw you pop in the chat for a second and was charmed by your pic and profile. Maybe you will come back sometime?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6

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