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Conversation Between Pearlgem and SauvagePouline

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Spring??? ummmm the gooses (yea, thats right, gooses) are back. And we get wonderful icey rain days intermixed with the snow. Which is apparently an improvement?!? Haha. I can't wait for warm weather.
  2. I'm a real idler at heart, SP, but can turbo drive when pushed. I love your frank approach to work avoidance - it's very sweet! Where I am, there are tiny signs of spring's approaching. Can you see any?
  3. Nice to see you back, MyLittlePony. Yes, we certainly done good, but we've got to stay vigilant! See you around. x x x x
  4. Happy New Year ( a bit late) to you as well! J and I spent it in Aigues Mortes france, a cute but dead little town.

    Our assault was AWESOME! Girls rule!!! hehehehe

    lots of love sweetie
  5. Happy New Year, my little pony! Loved our assault on the boys in the forum. Wishing you every happiness. x x
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5

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