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Conversation Between needtobetied and Chocolateboy

5 Visitor Messages

  1. It won’t let me send anything to you because you have too many saved messages
  2. I don’t really have a favorite genre of books. I read what interests me. My favorite book is Flowers for Algernon and my favorite series is Harry Potter
  3. Thank you. In your profile you mentioned you liked reading? Mind if I ask what sort of things interest you? Just that I too enjoy a good read, but usually war stuff (both fact and fiction)
    Not going to bother asking about BDSM just yet. Thought I’d learn more about you first and build up a picture. Feel fee to ask me anything you want.
  4. I am always up to meeting new people. Feel free to message me.
  5. Hello needtobetied,
    You have a short but interesting profile that caught my attention. Would like to know more about you and perhaps chat sometime, if interested?
    I note you are already in discussion with MasterMike8035, so if I am intruding please let me know..not looking to steal you away from another.

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