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Conversation Between yub and switch_diana

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Glad to have chatted with you yub. You're going to be missed here.
  2. Thank You for commenting your animal's pictures, sweet Lady
  3. Oh, thank You for visiting your humble animal, Lady... In real life i had a cold but i am recovering now. I hope You are well.
  4. Thank You, Diana. I kiss your hand.
  5. SirStef notified me that You can't take the role. I fully understand. Thank You.
  6. Thank you, dear, indeed, for your generous invitation. I kiss your hand if you allow me. You would be an ideal character in my role play "Birondian prison". Another prisoner, tortured by the cellmates and the matrons and the superintendent Senor Martin (Sir Stef). If You are interested please send PM, addressed to SirStef and me. I would be very happy. Thank you.
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