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Conversation Between jules and Lagomorph

13 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy Birthday.
  2. Hmm.. was so nice to meet my "new" friend in chat

  3. ~breaks in again, seems security is a bit lax here... leaves a huge box of jam donuts (hundreds in the box) and more importantly a donut cannon to help you in your fight against Sir..after all he does have a donut howtizer.~
    shhhh don't tell him i helped you...
    ~looks around for spies~
  4. Breaks into your house using my ninja techniques while you are at work and leaves a selection of fresh donuts for you..jam, custard, toffee, strawberry and cream, chocolate and today's special rhurbarb and brown sauce flavour.
  5. Hey, jules is incredibly sweet, innocent and well behaved. ~laughs~ she even left me puppies! That's one vote for 'yes'.
  6. Adds black and white puppy dogs to the kittens... wow, lovely wall...
  7. ~leaves a box of custard filled donuts and barks, before running off chasing a ball...~
  8. Noooo! I'm sorry!! I-I'll get you some more, a whole box! And don't worry about earlier, it was my pleasure to sit with you, I really had fun! Just remember...don't let her near me...~whines and lies down, lowering my eyes to the floor~
  9. hmm - well good doggy's don't eat all the donuts! BAD BOY!! Maybe I'll let her have you next time. *grins*
  10. ~walks in wagging my tail and sits down~ Haha, only when the mean Mistresses are about? What if I just feel like being a good little doggy? ~grins and eats the donuts I was going to leave, and wanders away~
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