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shedding skin

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How to rebuild a person…logically from the inside out, starting at the core, where it is broken…but getting there is the hard part. We have to shed skin…all the layers that we have created to hide the wound and shield it from view.

I have shed mine all at once, painful and bloody, desperate to get to the ailing heart within. Starting at the beginning…starting over. One beat at a time, taking back what was broken, scattered, and stolen. Taking back what is mine.

Until i do, i am useless…a broken vessel with nothing to offer and unable to contain the gift of fulfillment. Unable to love. Cutting others on my jagged edges, and hiding my face in shame.

This is my new beginning. Ugly…exposed…defiant. I want what is mine, i want my missing pieces…you cant have them anymore! And i will place them back one at a time…making myself whole…covering myself with new skin made of happiness, love, devotion, understanding….and truth…never to be broken again.

Updated 02-24-2012 at 02:31 PM by hoosakitty



  1. ~ willow ~'s Avatar
    You have a way with words...i get it *hugs*.
  2. foxy lady's Avatar
    dear friend~ i wish to encourage you. all the best..you so deserve to be happy. you are a wonderful woman..

    I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing.
    Anais Nin
  3. hoosakitty's Avatar
    thank you ladies, your comments and support mean so much to me.
  4. Lagomorph's Avatar
    Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets Kitty. So, love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody ever said it would be easy, but I can promise you it's worth it.

    You know where to find me when things get you down.

    That was a quote I like by the way, not my own writing. Don't want to be accused of plagiarism now...
  5. hoosakitty's Avatar
    @Carstien.............have i told you today that your awesome? oh...and fantastic too....*pounces you with custard kisses!*
  6. MasterofCum's Avatar
    Wow! Your writing is real. I can feel you as you work through your pain. Well done for not lying down. I know very well that, to be true to yourself will only build a stronger 'you'.
    Keep going.


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