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Rating: 2 votes, 3.50 average.
Can you count tears? Can you catch them, like diamonds, and put a name to each one? Lay them out on the floor, where you fell in grief, and order them in straight lines…trying to make some sense of the pain? Is it possible to contain them in a velvet bag like jewels, and take them to the one they were spilt for…trying to buy back their love?

Or do you just let them soak into the earth…to disappear with your very heart…



  1. rosemaryj {domin8tor}'s Avatar
    Dearest Kitty

    I so wish you could, catch them and use them to show the one you miss, just how much they mean......xxx
  2. chipmunk_'s Avatar
    Beautiful, but so very sad.
  3. Frances's Avatar
    Love is given, can not be brought with tears, service or by begging. It hurts to love and not receive it back. Take the tears hold them in your heart, take the pain hold it close. Use these to grow, to know what you want to move forward, not go back. Every time you cry, every time you feel pain...use these to learn about yourself and what it is you truly want. Go forward for that goal. Take my hug and use my shoulder to cry on. I can't take the pain away only time can lessen its hurt. But I have a shoulder and ear to hear you. Sending prayers and waves of healing for a broken heart.
  4. hoosakitty's Avatar
    you are all so wonderful to me...thank you


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