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Let's have a little bit of a chat.

Rating: 3 votes, 2.33 average.
Hey everyone...I'm newish to the forums, but I've been nestled in the mustier parts of the chat room for a while, now.

Initially I thought about doing something in the forum to introduce myself, but I have at least two reasons that I chose a blog instead.

The first, (and the irony isn't lost on me here), is that I like to maintain a little more control and permanence over my work. When I say my work, I don't mean being dom. Being a dom is an extra benefit--the cream cheese on my bagel, as it were.

No, I refer to the obsessive--nay, the fetishistic pleasure I take, at forging from nothingness a flesh-rending blade of words. I refer to my righteous army of consonants and vowels, who I lead into battle with fiery syllabic onslaughts hurled like spears through the darkness, boring holes through all they touch, as if thrown by the Gods themselves.

Fuck. See what I mean? I got carried away there, again...sorry. I don't think I'm cool or anything, for writing like that...the words just come, a raging torrent offfffffffffFFFOOFOOOOOH FUCK ANOTHER METAPHOR!! Here it comes! Get out! Save yourselves! It's too late for meeeeeee.....

Okay, the second reason I chose a blog over regular forum introduction is because I wanted to address a certain topic. It seems to me that in chat, lately, common courtesy and intelligence are being eroded by a slow, black grind of apathy, impatience, deviance and most importantly, idiocy.

Simply follow these three simple guidelines to avoid joining the Cretin Club:

1. USE PROPER SPELLING AND PUNCTUATION. If you make a mistake, as we all do at some time or another, correct yourself! Take the extra sixth of a second it takes you to add a Y and an O to that U in the sentence "so are u a sub?" If I need to explain to you why this is important, you're not going to do it anyway.

2. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT SOMEONE, LOOK AT HIS/HER PROFILE! The information you're looking at might be there. Doms don't give things away for free, as a rule, so if you choose to ignore something tossed your way, free of charge, you aren't going to get a second look.

3. IF YOU ARE A MAN AND YOU WANT A WOMAN TO PLAY WITH YOUR LITTLE DIGI-DONG, try to wait a MINIMUM of 320 seconds before asking if she A) Wants to cyber B) send you naked photos of yourself (EVEN THOUGH WE ALL KNOW HOW TRUSTWORTHY YOU ARE) or C) Offering to make a complete asshole of yourself on camera. Who knows, that could be your boss on the other side. I know this is an eternity to wait but if you need to get off that badly you can take your head out of your own ass long enough to orally service yourself.

3-B IF YOU ARE A WOMAN AND YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH A MAN'S CYBER-PSYCHE remember that, even if you are a sub, you do NOT have to cave to his troglodytean chest-thumping in the first ten minutes. Even the lowest sub under the mightiest master or mistress gets a certain kind of respect, and earns it. This is part of the beauty of D/s. Simplified: just because you get off acting like a dumb whore doesn't mean you actually have to become one.

Thanks for tuning in. This is Resist saying, "Hey! I may be an asshole, but at least I'm not a fuckin' asshole."

'til next time. Same bat-time. Same bat-network.


Updated 10-08-2008 at 10:58 PM by Resist



  1. Irresistable's Avatar
    you amuse me greatly.

  2. lucy's Avatar
    I want to add that 3-B also goes for female subs who do NOT want to play with a man's cyber-psyche. As for the other points, i couldn't agree more.
    And hello.
  3. thegirlwonder's Avatar
    i had so much fun reading this. =) Thanks for the smile!
  4. literary_kitty's Avatar
    You're an asshole I could like. Too many people I meet online already have their Cretin Club Card stamped and got the free t-shirt. I love your rules.
  5. Mdv8ed's Avatar
    Wow, thank you for that, it was quite um, hilarious. Definitly agree on the part about respect though, there always has to be a level of trust and respect first =)
  6. Mairead's Avatar
    *clapping* I may just be quoting rule #3 to people! Actually all of the comments seemed accurate. Great way to introduce yourself!
  7. HelenaKitten's Avatar
    LMFAO! That is some great shit! *giggles as she walks away*
  8. Ladymad's Avatar
    Quite enjoyed your post - a Master of word and wit.
  9. Skyybird's Avatar


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