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One of those days....

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Master and I have come a long way in the past few months. Lots of tough spots and we struggled and tripped and almost fell, but we made it through and are better and stronger for it. But today.....today I read some older posts that weren't meant for me, they were meant for the other pet, the one that is no longer and it opened some old wounds. Made me feel kinda crappy and I want validation. I want to be scooped up and told that it was a mistake and it will never happen again and I'm the only one he needs and wants. I want to feel safe and secure and right this minute I'm just not feeling it and I'm sad.


  1. Oak's Avatar
    Hi little one. As I don't know either yours nor your masters background, it's a little difficult to advise but I'll try anyhow. Were there any communications with this "old" pet, after you found out that you wanted to be together? If not you haven't got anything to worry about, as it's clear then that the other pet is history and it's all about you now. Therefore it's best if you try to act like nothing as he migh be very hurt, disapointed or even angry over the fact that you looked through his old mails. You know Curiosity Excited the Kat. So up with the spirits...
  2. Diablo's Avatar
    You have nothing to worry about.


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