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Letter to my Pet

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My pet

Favored and highly revered of mine, this time I take to convey to you the depth of myself to you. In so many words one can ever fully express the fledged sentiments of a Master to his submissive and even in so many words the intricate bonds that stems between them. Though rarely are words afforded that enamors the true feelings of a Master for his only one.

So now I write to you my dear one. I, who have received the gift of your submission, for indeed it is a gift, priceless beyond measure and cherished even more. For the numerous times when your words are the ones that inspire my sou. Indeed no one is truly a master should he not be graced with someone who serves, but it is made all the more by one who serves happily and willingly, to inspire the heart that cares so deeply and the mind that guides steadily. When you are before me, kneeling and bowed, your entire being conveying your heart and soul to the hand of mine, the one indeed you call Master, not just a title but as a prayer – a reverence wherein all lies exposed and vulnerable.

The essentiality of your heart to mine cannot be fully expressed, for though I hold your freedom in my hand you hold that much greater of me in yours. My soul stands forth as yours does, fully exposed and vulnerable. In your eyes I see myself, the master I want to be because that is the Master you deserve me to be. I cannot guide you to become that which I need and desire without training myself as well. Growing and learning to become that which you also desire and need, to command without words, to lead beyond the limits that stand before us and to impart wisdom that had before lay beyond even my ken.

So to you I write, committing my soul to yours, my heart and my love. In so many words one cannot fully express that which lies so deep beyond the surface, that which touches, kisses, caresses and command with the heart and not the hand. That which turns your captivity at my hands to freedom beyond words, that which instills pleasure in servitude.

My pet and dearest of my heart, always




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