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Me and mine.

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I am not really a Sub, and I am not really a Dom. While I have read quite a bit of literature and understand and find some of the information stimulating and consistent with my own growth through the years, I have never wanted to be dominated by anyone, and while I have had fantasies about dominating someone I would never do it without thier consent, so I have never truely acted on those desires.

My wife came to me a few months back and told me that she was exploring this "thing called BDSM", which made me want to smile, because I already knew she was in some ways in need of a submissive role. Mostly because she is so dominate when she is in the world that it seemed like a logical and reasonable thing for her to need to surrender herself in some part of her life.

While I knew what BDSM was, I did not know a great deal about it, but I trust my wife and told her that she should look into it and see if it was something that she was interested in. It so happens that she was interested in it and has since received a collar from her dominate.

I have visited quite a few sites and this one seems to have quite a bit of helpful information and the users seem to be open to answering questions that people have. I have not read all of the stuff that I want to read, so my questions will probably be a bit more neophyte than I would like, but I figure that the first step is to introduce myself and let you know that I am interested in learning more about this way of life. Especially since the person whom I care about the most in this world is becoming inculcated into this lifestyle, and I feel that I should at least understand what she is talking about when she tells me what she has done when she goes over to her masters abode.

My Journey



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