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reason #720938 to love my life

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So i get in the car after a loooonnnng day of working. He's had a long one today too, i can tell.

"i have a surprise for You."


"Mmmmhmmm." i nod and slip into the passenger seat. He shuts His door and looks over to me.


In response, i inch up my grey gabardine wool skirt (Gap, tyvm) and tug aside my panties: i'm shaved clean, not even the landing strip is left.

"Oh... you're going to let Me play on the way home, right?"

The question is irrelevant; His fingers are already tracing me through the material. i manage a squeak before He slips his hand beneath the waistband and, oh god, its sooooo good... i'm wiggling in the seat in no time flat. i'm too easy.

"Wait... we're out, aren't we?"

Condoms. Sometimes they don't matter, but currently i'm giving my body an indefinite rest from the crazy train of hormonal birth control, so they're completely necessary at the moment. Neither of us like children.

"Yes... would you like to pull over and get some?"

A challenge and a temptation all in one. i nod, and He pulls into the next gas station. Woman clerk, empty place, no problem. i slip in, grab the condoms, eye a package of Oreos for half a second... and before i know it, one person is out the counter and two more are milling about!

i leave the Oreos, pay for the condoms, even manage to look the clerk in the eye to say thank you, and slip back into the car, pleased with myself. He raises an eyebrow and replaces His hand.

We walk into the living room and in no time i'm beneath Him. i've been so easy lately, too easy, and i tell Him i'm not coming til He does.

Wrong choice of words.

"You sure about that?" Next thing i know, my patent leather cherry red cork heel stilettos are hanging over His shoulders, and He is completely merciless, knowing i can't help coming when i do... i gasp through two, maybe three breaths and He's sliding back into me, hard and fast and perfect, and when i come again its only seconds after Him.



  1. thegirlwonder's Avatar
    hehehe thanka!


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