The following is rather obviously inspired by certain current events taking place in our world. However, I would like to dedicate it to the civilian populations of *all* peoples regardless of race, religion, or geographic location, who are so often the more or less innocent victims of the stupidity of the human condition.

Dirt and Rock

There’s nothing much here
More or less barren and hot
Dirt and rock
But we were here long ago
And you were here long ago
And we don’t like each other
So I have an idea

Let’s kill each other
A lot
Who cares why
Who cares how
Who cares when
Who cares who shot first
As long as we shoot last we win
Our little patch of
Dirt and rock
You all look the same to me anyway
Might as well not discriminate
Wouldn’t want to miss any after all

Isn’t that clever of me?
What a grand idea
In fact I like it so much
That I plan to teach it to my children
That way someday our children
Can also kill each other
With stones and knives
And guns and rockets
And their bare hands if they get a chance
And God knows what else
Until all of you are dead

All we have to do is breed
And teach our children that you have horns coming out of your heads
And hate
And kill
And repeat as necessary
Then I’m sure we will win this little squabble
Over our little patch of
Dirt and rock

Isn’t that clever of me?