And yet another silly one...


Two hedgehogs met by my garden seat and did what hedgehogs do when they meet.
One of them told me “It just can’t be beat-when hedgehogs experience prickly heat!”
It added “but sometimes we get it wrong, when us hedgehogs try to get it on-
For when a hedgehog decides to curl we really can’t be sure if it’s a boy or a girl
The evidence is actually very small -for have you ever seen a hedgehog ball?
This problem is vexing and spiky and spiny-the consequences catastrophic rather than tiny”

I advised them “When little hedgehogs get together its important to have an understanding whether
The hedgehog you get along with is starting to snuffle because it wants to make love not make a kafuffle
As during both activities you hedgehogs make a lot of noise and then it doesn’t seem to matter if you’re girls or you’re boys.
You hedgehogs need to be quite wary unless you’re a prickly sort of Julian Clary
For if you can’t be certain if you’re coming or you’re going then you’ll never going to get any baby hedgehogs growing
And that you will agree would be a great big shame because that would be the end of the hedgehog name.”
They both thought about it carefully “We’ll leave nothing to chance-we will instruct every hedgehog to have practise at the dance
Then each and every hedgehog can gain certification to say it has improved at hedgehog multiplication.
We’ll avoid the Morris dancing and steer clear of the Gay Gordon and of course all of the music will be from the hedgehog organ!”
So if you see two hedgehogs in the moonlight on your lawn you can take it as a fact they’ll be waltzing there till dawn!

To be read fast.