Hello eveyone,

Having posted 6 chapters of my first story, I figured it was time I introduced myself, so I finally made an account and here I am.

First I want to say that I am overwhelmed by the response I've received by my story. It currently sits at roughly 250 on the overall most popular list, and I find that amazing since it's only been up about a month now. I've had very positive reviews and I'm grateful for the encouragement and feedback.

Now a bit about me I guess. I am submissive at heart and have had a couple of dominating boyfriends but I'm currently not attached (and not looking, so don't ask I realized I was submissive at an early age when I was on a date and the boy I was with...well...let's just say he took control. It was frightening and exciting. I was young enough that I was scared to go out with him again, even though I was really excited by how he took control of me. Since then I really haven't had any sexual fantasies that haven't been about being controlled, so that's the sort of story I like to write.

Thanks for listening!
