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    The Ten Basic Rules to Improve Your Writing

    Hi. I claim no expertise in writing. I did spend a few years as an English Lit major and then realized it sucked the joy out of my creativityand switched to psychology. The purpose of this post is to provide some basic rules to help new writers avoid some of the common and justified criticisms I have observed. They won't make you a Hemmingway, but will help keep the focus of the reader on your content.

    1. Space and a half: A common complaint is that the story was cramped and difficult to read. The easiest method to avoid this problem is to submit your story with a minimum of 1.5 spacing. The extra space will make it easier to read the text.

    2. Check that word: Most readers will either miss or ignore the “wrong word form” mistake (e.g. their, they’re or there). It is difficult to catch these mistakes; however, they draw enough criticism to warrant a read through of your work prior to publication.

    3. Spelling errors: Hard to catch every spelling error even with spell check, but more than three and you are in trouble with the critics.

    4. Short is better: Unless you are a master of grammar, longer sentences are more difficult to construct. The novice author will make mistakes with reflective verbs, pronoun agreement, and placement of the object in the sentence. If none of the terms listed make sense to you, it is more evidence of the value of shorter sentences. In the English language, you only need a noun and a verb to make a complete sentence.

    5. LY, LY,LY : an adverb is used to modify an adjective or a verb. It is more complex than it seems so I use a simple rule. Remove each “ly” ending word from my writing. For most of us, the use of the adverb is unnecessary most of the time. For example
    He ran (perfect sentence).
    He ran quickly. Unnecessary because “ran,” means quick movement.
    He ran slowly. Contradiction. If He ran slowly, you mean He jogged or walked.

    If you find an adverb you cannot live without then leave it, but most can go away quickly.

    6. He said, She said: In dialogue forget all the modifiers and allow it to speak for itself. One cannot “spat” out a word or “hiss” a statement. Rule 5 will be violated most often in dialogue modifiers- “he said sternly.” The reader should understand the “tone” based on the “showing” that goes around it. Compare these two events:

    Clara loudly slammed the door shut. She spun around and glared at Carl with fire in her eyes. “How dare you talk to that bitch about our sex life?” She screamed through clenched teeth.

    Clara slammed the door shut. She turned to Carl with clenched fists. “How dare you talk about our sex life with that bitch?”

    The second example is better. The reader understands Clara’s emotions and the pace matches the real life experience. In addition, we removed “loudly” since there is no way to “softly” slam a door. We avoided the cliché of Clara’s “fire in her eyes.” We dealt with the impossible task of trying to “scream through clenched teeth…and we created dialogue without the use of the word “said.” When in doubt read your dialogue aloud and hear if it sounds natural.

    7. Show do not tell: Powerful writing shows us and allow us to envision the event. There are times when it is appropriate to “tell,” but you must be judicial in the use. A simple method to consider show versus tells is to consider the goal of erotica. Sex, bondage, cock, pussy, orgasm; A list of words is not erotica it is a laundry list. Weaving those words into a vision of the event is our goal. Many writers fall back to “tell” when they describe their characters’ physical attributes. Here is an good example of a show approach courtesy of BDSM Library author, Tamara Powell:

    She was a stunning young girl and she knew it. She was always running her hands through her long dark hair, and seemed to stare through Tamara with piercing blue eyes. Her breasts were well developed for her age, but she knew her silky smooth legs were her best quality and she flaunted them constantly.

    What works so well is that the paragraph conveys both a physical description and the character’s attitude of confidence. Whether the topic is sex or physical features a writer’s goal is to show it in the story.

    8. Alternate versus the Ridiculous: I love the alternate universe. It is a place like our world, but the rules are a little different. In the real world, you cannot parade a naked female student through the college hallways and spank her bare bottom in the cafeteria. That scenario would end in certain arrest. In the alternate universe, it is okay and everyone will join in. Some readers will complain about realism, but most rather enjoy such tales. No one appreciates the Ridiculous universe. It detracts from the story because the readers cannot get over their own disbelief. I admit it is a fine line and I may have crossed it myself a few times. To avoid the slip, ensure you provide a reason for the character’s compliance (to blackmail, manipulation, bondage etc) that makes sense and is semi-rational. For example:

    Clara could not lose her job. She needed every penny from her paycheck for rent. The economy was bad and she knew that it would take months to find new employment. She felt she had no choice but to comply with her boss’s request.

    Not great, but it gives the reader a rational reason why the character complies, even if the reader would make a different choice.

    9. Got Fetish: Avoid topics that you have not researched. I am not suggesting you have to be a lesbian to write lesbian stories (not a fetish except for men). I am referring to the fetish categories that require specialized knowledge. If you want to write about latex, pony girls, enemas, CBT, and such then conduct the proper research. The reader’s are very well educated on their fetishes and do not respond kindly to mistakes. I avoid fetish writing because I understand that for the fetish practitioner, it really is about that “thing.” Since I cannot get my mind around the eroticism of enemas, I do not write stories about it.

    10. Details That Do Not Matter: Poetry is the most difficult writing style. Poets must ensure every word and every line is perfect and purposeful. The same is true for prose writers, but we just don’t know it. When you ask a person about their day, you do not want every useless detail of their life. Neither does your reader. Every description and every action should have meaning to the story. I do not want to plow through a description of the character’s morning routine unless it is showing me something about the character. If you can remove a word or a sentence and nothing is lost…remove it. I have received criticism for the use of “Aaaaah” and “ooooowww” in my dialogue. It is a stylistic choice and I agree it could be removed. I do it because, for me, it adds an auditory element to the story and I like it better than, “she moaned.” If you are willing to suffer the criticism then ensure that the “sound” is physically possible and conveys the correct meaning. For example:

    p-p-please is the correct stutter….p-l-l-l-ease is not.
    n-no is different from noooooo.

    There are many more rules to consider, but I wanted to share some of mine in hope that it would help my fellow authors in their quest to convey their imagination.

  2. #2
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    I don't think you should call these rules to improve writing. I think it would be better if you called these guidelines. Also, "rule" number one seems kind of pointless. The spacing of lines does not improve the writing in itself, just as it doesn't make a piece better or worse depending on the font. While the font and spacing changed how easy it is to read the piece of writing for some people, it would be wrong to say it improves your writing in itself.

    I agree with things such as know what you are writing about, however. Research is important to convey something already existing, in a realistic fashion. As someone who knew a guy who stuttered, however, I would like to point out that pl-l-lease can be a stutter, as well. One can get caught on the L sound just as any other sound.

    Furthermore, I personally did not like your bashing of a cliché. While a cliché might not be what you like to read, someone else might. This is merely a personal taste and so, rather than say it to be wrong, why not encourage to find one's own kind of ways of expressing? I believe a cliché can be a cliché for a reason; while some reside in the lack of imagination others are a cliché because people like them, so they use them again.

    For taking the time to write this out however, I do appreciate the effort. It personally did not suit me very well but if it does to others, then good for them. I have been part of a group of writers that have always believed rules are secondary to imagination and creativity, so naturally, we seem to be at different sides of the writing spectrum, so I respect that this is your view while I have my own. Let's not argue a right or wrong. Anyway, I do hope you got your joy for creativity back after you had it sucked out of you while studying English Literature.

    Keep safe.

  3. #3
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    Being a wannabe amateur writer, I found your post interesting. But how do you adjust the line spacing in Windows?

  4. #4
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    On my old version of Word it is done this way:

    Open a document. Click on Format, then click on Paragraph in the drop-down menu. A new window will open: click on the Indents and Spacing tab. Half way down you will see a small box labelled Line spacing. If you click on that, you can set your line spacing as you wish.

  5. #5
    grammar fetishist
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    All wonderful rules, (and yes, they are rules until you're good enough to know when you can break them), for any writer whatsoever. I know people who consider themselves excellent writers who violate these basic rules all the time, and their writing suffers for it immeasurably.

    The only rule I would add would be this:

    11. REVISE, REVISE, REVISE: Writing is not a gift. It's a craft. It takes time and, more than anything else, practice. Inspiration might give you a good premise, but crafting a premise into a story is an entirely different matter. If you're going to take the time to write, take time to revise your story. (Note: REVISION IS NOT THE SAME AS EDITING! Edit for grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Revise for clarity, rhythm, character, word choice, etc).

    Very few stories come out perfect the first time, and the best authors know that the best writing comes out in the second, third, tenth or fiftieth draft. Write until it's right, not just until it's complete.
    Last edited by Resist; 10-09-2010 at 01:23 AM. Reason: Marked rule as 10. instead of 11. D'oh.

  6. #6
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    I think these rules are quite useless.

    3 Spelling and grammar is not important at all I had chance to read and still enjoyed stories that are written in a way that you need to use all your brain power do decipher what these words mean.
    As long as you understand what you wrote it is OK to publish.
    9. Who cares about accuracy in fiction, you do not need to have university degree in enema fetish to include that into your story.

    However there are other important rules. Writing is just like marketing:

    1. Choose your audience.
    If your story is intended for pussy readers do not include hardcore scenes, and if your target audience is serial killers don't waste time on cuddling and kissing.
    of course it can be somewhere in-between but it still should maintain appropriate level.
    You need to provide what your audience desires. Trying to please everyone will result rejection by everyone.

    2. Be original, if that specific combination of fetishes is already overexploited then there is little chance that something will be interested in some newbie crap when we have zillion of perfect clones polished by highly pedantic writers.

    3 If your story is pure porn do not waste time on anything just write your fantasy and forget it.
    I would recommend even to avoid reading what you wrote, or else you may find you work so stupid that it will be shameful to publish.
    Porn is not supposed to have any complex plot it must be just lot of action glued by some reasons.
    (I was completely unable to write essays at school just because everything I wrote was just to stupid or me, while my mother had no problems to spill many pages of crap while helping me to do homework. Also we all know that all Hollywood movies are examples of top stupidity but people still pay to see them )

    So that should be primary rule:
    Do not less thinking more doing.

    For more specific information about story writing I recommend page http://tvtropes.org
    also http://comicsworthreading.com/2006/0...an-draw-manga/ comic book may be interesting.

  7. #7
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    3 Spelling and grammar is not important at all I had chance to read and still enjoyed stories that are written in a way that you need to use all your brain power do decipher what these words mean.
    As long as you understand what you wrote it is OK to publish.
    With all due respect, but I call bullshit on that. It might hold true for you, but in my experience most readers do not enjoy to read a story if it takes all their brainpower just to get what the writer wanted to say. There really is a reason why every publisher employs editors.

  8. #8
    Never been normal
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucy View Post
    With all due respect, but I call bullshit on that. It might hold true for you, but in my experience most readers do not enjoy to read a story if it takes all their brainpower just to get what the writer wanted to say. There really is a reason why every publisher employs editors.
    There are plenty of examples on the Library of stories that might have great exciting ideas, but I can't appreciate them if I have to struggle with the writer's incoherent style. And it's such a waste, because they might have something good to say if they could only say it in a readable way.
    Oh better far to live and die under the brave black flag I fly,
    Than play a sanctimonious part with a pirate head and a pirate heart.


  9. #9
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    Agree that proper grammar and spelling is preferable. My own grammar is fairly flawed so I'm probably not the best person to comment.

    As for the brainpower comment, I feel that it isn't always related to grammar. For instance, a story could have perfect grammar and yet it could be overly complex to read. I think that has a bit to do with the talent and/or experience of the story teller in question.

  10. #10
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    Of course if story is just one of thousand clones nobody will even look into one with bad grammar( probably almost nobody will read it in any case)
    But If that story has extremely rare content you just have no choice it it happens that it match your fetish perfectly.

    As for the brainpower comment, I feel that it isn't always related to grammar. For instance, a story could have perfect grammar and yet it could be overly complex to read. I think that has a bit to do with the talent and/or experience of the story teller in question.
    I agree with that
    if story is hard to understand and imagine then it will be real pain to read.
    I think there is no way for native English speaker to mess grammar that much to make story unreadable, but for non English speakers this sometimes happens.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omega22 View Post

    I agree with that
    if story is hard to understand and imagine then it will be real pain to read.
    I think there is no way for native English speaker to mess grammar that much to make story unreadable, but for non English speakers this sometimes happens.
    Yes, sometimes punctuation, articles and all the other fancy stuff are quite useful.

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