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  1. #1
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    Lightbulb New family members to an existing situation...

    now, there's 5 women in this household, and a single Master. Also, the Kittiehz.
    Our new family members sought us out, and it took them a great deal of effort, but find us they did, and they tendered their Requests.
    Now begins their education and Training, under Husband, and they're quite happy to be taken in-hand, controlled and Dominated.
    I've been Watching, and they are genuienly happy to be here, the crying shortly after the move-in was done proved that--followed by as much love and reassurance/comforting as we could give.
    They were afraid that if they failed in the smallest way they'd be 'cast out'...NO, that is not the case. They're Family now, and are being told about such by Husband.
    They're being told/informed to reassure just how they 'fit' and how much they are now part of our family, and the feeling of relief is palpable.
    It'll still take them some time, that's understandable, but they Know now that they are solid with us, Family, and loved/protected.
    If nothing else, the Kittiehz have made that crystal-clear.

    Georgina, Lynx, she doesn't Trust easily/quickly, and she has accepted them.

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    Smiles and gracie huggles, sending congratulations to your Family and wishing Y/you all the very best!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by gracieflower View Post
    Smiles and gracie huggles, sending congratulations to your Family and wishing Y/you all the very best!
    ((HUG)) Thank-You! From us all!
    Things are going quite well, although our new members need time to learn that they can relax somewhat--there's Protocol, but also they should have a feeling of security.

    Our Kittiehz re sure doing their part and helping them feel part of the household--and getting oceans of attention in-kind.
    If cats welcome you into Their home, you cannot help but feel genuinely Welcome.

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    Smile Settling In and Paperwork...

    As was done for Brianna and Lhana, we will be putting our new family members on our Health Insurance/Medical Coverage plans and also establish new bank accounts for them that earn MUCH better interest.

    Before I go farther, those accounts are in THEIR names exclusively, no one else has access to them, same as Brianna and :hana have.

    Like Brianna and Lhana they insist on paying into the household, and that's laudable--but Husband Insists that a good chunk of their earnings from their employment go into their accounts.
    They wanted to split their earnings 50/50 with the household, however the most Husband will accept is 25%, the rest is theirs by Right, of course.

    Once they were shown the info on the new accounts, they were very pleasantly surprised at being able to earn such high rates (1.1%) and also have tax-sheltered Savings accounts in one of the major banks here in Canada.

    Finances and bureaucracy aside, Husband's put them through their paces, so he can learn about them and vice-versa, and while understandably somewhat nervous about coming off well, they did fine and he's quite pleased with them.
    The hardest thing for them to come to grips with was our powerplant design and interest in building it--but they are getting accustomed to such, after all, such is really NOT something one ever expects to encounter outside some corporate HQ.
    The technology of the powerplant is Clean, Safe, and once we overcome the nay-sayers and such, will make a significant difference for the Better in our world.
    One cannot have 'free' energy, cause the powerplant needs upkeep and such, but people CAN have inexpensive and abundant energy.

    And our new members have become as addicted as we are to the gold-mining shows on Discovery Channel.

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    Life....mine is weird, but at least it's not dull.

    Husband is away for a few weeks, nothing unusual, his work does take him on the road frequently and it gives him another chance to test out the Intrepid he modified to electrical power.
    Fumiko and Mei-Xing, I figured right from the first time I met them they'd be good additions to our odd little family, but they have worked out better than I could have ever dared hope.
    The Kittiehz love it because now, there's ALWAYS a lap to be had. Eydis, our youngest Kittieh is their total treasure--and basking in the attention.

    We're coming 'back' to the Lifestyle, back to 24/7/365 (as much as Life's demands will allow) as last year was NOT a happy one for our household and it took a severe toll on us all emotionally and drained household financial reserves way blow Red Line. Such was for a good cause, though the reasons for such were not and filled with grief for lost friends, some with their entire familes and we did what we had to do in covering funeral expenses for them.

    But, the darkness has passed, and now it's time for us to begin Living again, return to being who we are, happy and involved...rejoin the world.
    Fumiko is Japanese-caucasian and Mei-Xing is Chinese-Caucasian, and while they are 2nd and 3rd generation Canadians, they were raised in homes that did insist on some Traditional values being instilled--like faultless manners.
    So, they're still learning to relax here at home, and are doing well, but it takes more time to 'move in' than just moving in possessions.
    In any case, they very much like living here, especially as it's a small city, rural-urban type, and now that they've adjusted rather well to being out of the big city, they've come to really appreciate living out here.

    So, time for me to step-up, temporarily, as Mistress (I'll explain the specific terms used in our household another time) and start putting our new mmbers through their paces and the same for Brianna and Lhana as it's been a while.
    Husband wants them all prepped and up-to-speed as best as Humanly possible by the time he returns...and he's then going to put me through my paces.

    So, this morning, the Fillies will be starting their day with the mandatory Morning Inspection.
    I need a couple hours sleep before the fun starts, but Restraints have been checked, all the assorted 'toys' and wickedly insidious devices have been checked, cleaned (despite being cleaned and stored in proper freezer-grade bags) checked, prepped and where necessary charged...it's amazing what a devious mind can do with old cellphones to scavenge parts and batteries from.
    The 'Kittiehz Room' where they stay safe nd undisturbed while we have our fun has been cleaned and seen-to, loaded with toys and ready to accomodate our 4 legged family members away from things they might find disturbing. Maybe we're overcautious, but we're also aware that animals do not understand as we do and the last we want is to stress them needlessly--thus, they have a small, comfy room. In the past there was only Georgina, Vesta and Luna to worry about, and they found the quarters VERY much to their liking.
    Also, they know that when they're let out, there's treats to be had to reqard their patience. Considering that Luna, Essa and Eydis are all still growing (Essa and Luna are 1/2 grown) and they're all VERY active, the treats (chicken, tuna, some ham, and some bacon) is food they can use.

    Fumiko and Mei-Xing are looking forward to today...so much so they left small lube-stains through their skirts on the sofa.
    Been there, myself...and I suspect more than a few fellow-females here have had times when they had swimming pools in their panties from arousal and anticipation???
    It's going to be fun, but a lot of dedicated work this next few weeks...but I get the reward of feeling good about helping them adapt, showing a compassionate side of BDSM Lifestyling, and when Husband returns, then I get my REAL reward.

    Terminology: Husband has named me with the Title of Mare and Dam, and Brianna, Lhana, Fumiko and Mei-Xing as Fillies. The reasoning is that Hotses are beautiful and spirited and it also makes our involvement in BDSM more personalized.
    I am his Mare, and I am Dam to the Fillies.
    He is Husband (spoken in the same way as 'Master') to me and is referred to as Master by the Fillies.

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    Smile Basic Training Refresher...

    Well, the Kittiehz had a mellow and perfectly pleasant day in their waiting-room and us Hoomans, well...NOT so 'mellow'.

    Morning Inspection is Mandatory and the only excuse for getting out of it is illness. Family members coming down with something are looked after by the rest of us, as one would expect, and we have a pretty good track record for helping each other through Colds, Flues and in such cases as when I was exposed to Hanta virus.
    That said it's a Mandatory aspect. The railing that seperates the Living Room from the rest of the room (older home so the livingroom is pretty bloody big) is built very solidly and is just the right height that when your wrists and neck are secured to the top rail, pillory-fashion, it keeps your back level and keeps you bent at the hips.
    Normally, with Husband home, I'd have been secured for such also--but with him away right now I'm the one doing her best to keep the proper air of Authority going.
    I'm NOT a Dominatrix at all, but I can be 'the boss' when needs-be, overall.

    Inspection is done after we finish getting showered, dressed and such for the day, before breakfast, and leg-spreader bars are standard--especially for Lhana, who also requires knee-spreader cuffs+bar as she has a very difficult time keeping her legs open due to the feeling of vulnerable-exposure.
    Don't think she doesn't enjoy it though, part of that equation is also anticapatory-excitement.
    Standard Dress means skirts, free choice of such so long as they're no longer than knee-length, and NO panties as those are permitted only after Inspection. No bras either, although that rule is relaxed during weekdays as time is short due to work schedules.
    Inspection is meant to be a Reminder (and a bloody effective one) of the power-dynamic, and involves a very thorough visual and physical/tactile examination of breasts, glands around the jaw, feeling legs for any sore muscles, palpation of the upper and lower abdomen for signs of discomfort, and pelvic area, of course.
    Any willful resistance or struggling is dealt with summarily via this nasty little toy

    "The TAZapper delivers a concentrated spark of differential, non-penetrating static electricity across its gold plated contacts. The contacts are 5mm apart and are looped back into the nose housing to prevent snagging. The unit will deliver an impressive sounding and looking spark repeatedly until the batteries run down. Switching is a single button and is “INSTANT ON” when pushed. There is little or no recovery time for the circuit. It is safe for use on most parts of the body. It comes with a one year replacement warranty, takes two AA batteries"

    A jolt from this toy to one's navel immediately makes it VERY clear that one should settle down and behave.
    That's the 'warning'...if one continues being a problem, a jolt from this to the delicate spot between vagina and anus makes certain one gets the message.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Fumiko and Mei-Xing did VERY well on their first Inspection. Obedient, properly cooperative, and enjoyed it. They've had Basic Training with a friend of Husband's who is in the Lifestyle also, and have been very eager to explore more in-depth.
    The Inspection turned up a slightly sore tendon in Mei's left knee, she was barely aware of, but something that might have gotten worse had it not been caught. Knowing about that knee, I was able to adjust things throughout the rest of the day to favor it and avoid any undue stress on it, and also knew to keep an eye on it in case it got worse.
    Right now, she's benefitting from some herbal-based heat-rub on the knee and is carefully working it and massaging it to help it heal and keep things strong. A few tylenol have nulled out the twinges she was feeling.
    She's still so surprised at the care...well, that's how it is here--we're a Family and we care for each other. She has NO complaints.

    Most of the day was spent teaching them and re-teaching them Positions, flexibility exercises, taking body measurements (Husband makes most of the things here, so exact measurements are necessary) and fielding Questions as well as introducing and re-introducing them all to some of Husband's more devious creations.

    Now, it's been a long day, and it's time for the Fillies to rest a bit, consider things, likely come up with MORE questions and for me to figure out dinner for us all.

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    Cool Full House...

    Marlene, Brianna, Lhana, Fumiko, Mei-Xing, and now Wanda.
    I NEVER set out to acquire a harem, but that decision was made by other forces in this Life.

    Wanda approached me at Dom's Night, yesterday, and made a very elegant and stunningly conclusive argument for her joining our home.
    Marlene and I have known Wanda for a long time, she and Marlene are such good friends they're like Twins in how they relate to each other.
    So, home she came with us and will be remaining here while she deals with the transitional aspects of relocating here.

    On one hand, I'm shaking my head at all this...on the other--at least with these women here--these are 6 women I know are Safe, Loved, and will never be abused.

    But Wanda's the Last I will take into our home--there's simply no more space available and this is a large house. We have enough room for the baby Lynx we will be accepting this Spring, an addition we've been saving towards for close to 3 years.
    That baby Lynx is no going to encounter any shortages of affection/attention, to be sure!!

    One aspect of my Dominance of the girls, I take note of their Interests and Hobbies, their Talents, and encourage them in such. BDSM IS our Lifestyle, but there IS more to Life than BDSM.
    These women are my Life, and I do my best to ensure they get as best as I can provide in all ways.

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    No kidding.
    Neither of us ever expected things to go as they have, but, they did...and out Household is the better for it. As are the girls.
    Husband's been teaching them all, because of their wanting to learn and curiosity, some Basic electronics and electrical-related stuff. Which was something they NEVER expected as part of the Lifestyle.
    Husband is always one to encourage intelligence, learning, and is a very good teacher...he doesn't lcture, he gets into things, using Concrete props and such when possible, diagrams where not, to give as much 'grasp' as possible.
    And he covers 'why' as well as the 'how' and 'what'.
    The girls now understand how and why capacitors work, and how they work in the vast plethora of electronic widgets in the world today.
    A simple lesson, but it's more than most folks know about them. And he fielded all the questions they had, one leading to an explanation of how solid-state memory is really just fancied-up capacitor technology when you cut right to Basics.

    This is part of how he Dominates...he doesn't command he be respected, he earns it.

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    Avatars and Profile pics...
    Husband has absolutely Banned outright ANY use of Real pics (owing to one of mine leading directly to nearly being killed in our home by an intruder while he was away) SO...Husband and I are surfing, searching, looking and trimming, editting, adjusting pics gleaned from the web for use as Profile pics and Avatars by Fumiko, Mei and Wanda.
    NOT a quick process because it's a point of Respect that they must as CLOSE as possible to those they represent, and also capture something of the person's character.
    Brianna and Lhana already have their's, so NP there.
    But, Fumiko, Mei and Wanda DO appreciate our efforts and dedication.
    They're actually somewhat shocked we'd go to such lengths and efforts for them, and they all have Final approval, of course.
    They have a LOT to learn yet about how this Household works.
    Love and Support are an essential part of life here.
    Without such, could BDSM even exist??

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    Lightbulb Re: New family members to an existing situation...

    And since I last visited, we have an even larger family. So, now there's 10 women here including myself. BUT, if we'd turned them aside things would not have gone very well for them.
    Long story shortened...

    Some girls back east ended up in some BAD situations, and we found out about it via friends in the Lifestyle. There was a concerted effort at taking them in so they'd be safe and away from the various predators out there. There was no real choice, all were near penniless with few if any meaningful possessions, had NO plaace to turn to.
    Happily, all found Good places with Proper dominants and remain safe from harm, and two have married their rescuers/safe-haven providers.

    The girls we took in, well two of them were from Russia, so language is still an issue, but we just work around it. They ended up staying here permanently of their own choice *shrug* and it's all worked out very well for them and the rest of us. They're happy, as are the Kittiehz as there's ALWAYS a lap to be had with ear-rubbing hands.
    What did surprise them was when they showed some interest in some of Husband's work (like manual Lathe operation) he offered to teach them the basics so they could find out if they genuinely enjoyed it or other things in regards to potential career pursuits. To them, being respected and appreciated was an alien concept but now they know better and know they do not have to accept disrespect and such from anyone.

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    Re: New family members to an existing situation...

    man it has been about a year since we were last on here
    "I've made a living out of coming back from the dead"-James

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