Really, Boccaccio, fancy teasing us with your recollections of 'Girl Tamers' and then after we have really enjoyed your recollection and we are really looking forward to finding out how to read it, hitting us with the crunch 'sorry don't know where you can get it!!!'

It sounds a really good read so if anyone out there knows how to trace it, or even the author, then please let us know.

Interesting that the 'Stepford Wives' film has been remade. I saw the original starring Mia Farrow, who was once married to Frank Sinatra, and I enjoyed it. But in those days, any mention or hint of control in a sexual context was a big NO NO. (Still is, I think? Funny that my tale about Brookdale, has used a reference about the 'Stepford Wives' in the intro, but I was unaware that the film was being remade at the time.

Regards to all in the Forum who bother to read this contribution.