Long ago yet not far away,
Her laughter seized and her bliss she slay.

The gloominess chasing her all the way,
For her Everyday was a rainy winter's day.

Her pain and distress, which she held within,
Surrounded her, killed her out and in.

She searched for the lost strength in her,
But bitter winter chill frizzed the self of her.

She hoped to dig up some shadows of light,
Standing beneath the Black sun which was to ignite,

Just the darkness and dusk in her life,
Wiping her dreams and love, thinning her life!

She explored her heart inside deep,
To reach the dream that was lost in her grief.

She was withdrawing she was flouting down,
Her dreams were ruptured in the anguish mound.

Her patience and endurance and hope was ending,
She lusted for a serene and tranquil ending.

Together her life, dreams and love could not be saved,
Alas! She took them all to her restful relaxing grave.