I may not believe in a Christian God myself, but I do think that the point of God is that he is perfect; as in he is all-knowing, all-loving, omnipresent and all the rest of it.

God created a world which was allowed to 'Fall' not because he was wasn't perfect and therefore incapable of creating a perfect world; but because he wanted to create a world with free will, and without the possibility of sin and the option to sin there is no freedom. Which in turn means there is no faith and no choice with religion, meaning that people cannot become Christian and choose to go towards God.

It's a difficult debate, but I do think that it's in the very nature of the Christian God that he is perfect. It may not always seem that way but that's my understanding of it.

I think it's rather that us as humans can't understand what perfection is, and that's the main problem when deciding what is and isn't perfect - because everyone has their own definition of what the 'ideal' is.