Story of Millina the new house pet (part one?)

Millina was shaking a little as she drank her coffee, even though it was a warm, sunny june afternoon and she was sitting just under a shade in a side walk café. Millina looked at her mobile-phone to see the time, still only 12:54 still 6 minutes to 1 PM and the agreed time of the meeting. Millina took a small mirror from her hand bag to look at herself again seeing if there was anything she could have done better with her looks for yet another time. She looked at herself with her grey green eyes meeting themselves in the mirror as she looked at her face she had to admit to herself she was looking quit well for a 28 old not tall, actually quite small with her 5’3 (161 cm).

She looked at her pale skin then around her nose with her few freckle on it and around it something she didn’t really like. Then at her long blond with a light tone of red hair falling around her face loosely and down behind her shoulders to about halfway down her back. Then her eyes fell on the top of her chest making her think of her fairly small breasts she could hold one in one of her own hands cupping them if she wish, she had to admit perhaps she would like them to be a little larger, but well that was how she was nothing to do about it.

She wondered if they would like how she looked. John and Mary she wondered what made her want to meet them so badly well not just meet them in person also the thing they had offered her. In a way this was a job interview well more then that she smiled a little amused for her self and sipped a little more of her coffee. Then she felt the shade become a little heavier around her something most be blocking off some of the sky she looked up and was met with to black figures looming next to her table. And she hear a strong male voice “you most be Millina”. She smiled and nodded and answered “yes and you most be John” then she looked to the other silouet that clearly was female “and Mary”.

Millina got up from her chair and shock hands with the two before they sat down at her table. They talked awhile about what they talked of online and comfirmed a few things. Millina knew Mary and John from a meeting place on the internet she knew they were both dominate and was seeking a submissive to live with them and do some domestic chores. While they talked Millina looked at them both John and Mary was as they had descripted Mary was 42 which wasn’t showing she was tall perhaps 5’7 and only very few wrinkles on her face and it looks like she kept in shape. John was 5’9 and Millina was amazed how good looking he was in his grey shirt with sleeves rolled up to over his elbows in the warm weather it looked like the shirt was hiding a well muscular chest she really was amazed how good he was looking with his 38 years.

She knew it had been Mary that set them off in the lifestyle, but John hadn’t been submissive actually he had been dominate too. It wasn’t really a problem they was still very much in love just they played small games with each other were they played a little sub servant to each other at times. But then they had tired to dominate a submissive in a club once and it had made them really hooked on the idea of having another in there relationship a shared submissive. Millina flushed slightly with the thought she was here for that very reason. She knew she was submissive from different things she loved to do things asked of her she known sins collage were the first year there she was asked to be the slave of one of the seniors well it was only for a week.

And well it was just for fun she could have refused probably if she had wanted but it was tradition and the seniors helped there slaves getting to know there way around campus even if she sometimes though the tasks had been silly she had done them and she been a little excited about it. Well actually she didn’t know why it had at that time but she found out later on the internet and she had found stories and then she found John and Mary and what they offered had appealed to her.

After awhile talking about what they wanted and what Millina was seeking they decided for this meeting where they could size each other up but then Millina had lost her job so she really didn’t have anything to do for awhile and John and Mary suggest she might live with them and earn a little for doing there domestic chores. She wasn’t really sure she liked the idea at first but then the more she thought of it, she found she liked it. If things did go well now she would go with them home it was frightening and exciting at the same time.

They talked of limits and what she liked what she didn’t like she noticed it was John that seem to be talking while Mary seem to be putting down notes while only speaking a little. Then after about an hour and a half of small talk and questions Mary asked her to take a walk around the block while she and John talked. She did wondering what this meant they wanted her they just needed to talk it over like they said or they found she wasn’t something for them? She wasn’t really sure what she wanted either she would go home her life stay as it was with all the good and bad. Or she would drop into a new world she perhaps wanted badly but was she sure?

When she got back she saw John and Mary finishing there cups of coffee and seemed finished talking just sitting waiting. She felt her legs were unsure a little under her as she walked to the table. “Stay standing we are going soon” John said before she could pull out her chair and sit down again. “Help the kind owner of the café clean our table we don’t want to leave a mess” this time it was Mary’s voice. “Bu- but it is there job” Millina managed to say “So? We want you to help them girl” Again Mary’s voice Millina felt a chill go down her spine and quite embarrassed as she started to gather the 3 empty cups of coffee and moved them up to the counter felling sure others where looking at her as she did. The clerk said thank you and smiled friendly to her as she put the cups there and she hurried back to the table outside.

As she returned to the table John and Mary looked at her awhile. “Millina we have decided that we like you to come with us home if you want to” Millina’s heart leapt a beat at the meaning of that they liked her to become there submissive and stay at there house at least for sometime she looked at them. They were clearly waiting for her answer and she nodded and said “I would like to” she felt her voice having trouble to make the words clear and loud she most sound very unsure she though. “Are you sure Millina? It will only be to try for a day but we want you to be completely sure it is what you want after that we might extent the try time if we all want to.

After this only the word Igloo will stop what we are doing to you it is your safe word” John spoke. Millina stood there paralysed a moment then cleared her throat before answering “Yes”. “Good, come with us our car isn’t fare” John said and raised along with Mary. Millina followed them around a conner into a deserted ally it was nice shadowy and cool after the warm sunny street there Mary and John stop and turned to Millina that was slightly behind them Mary looked at Millina with her brown eyes Mary was dark haired almost pitch black Millina felt even shorter then she was when her eyes met Mary’s and she broke the gaze looking down. “Millina reach down and take off your panties” Mary’s voice was hard and commanding now Millina had to swallow a small lump she wasn’t sure she was happy or felt bad she had worn a summer skirt and loose button shirt today. Mary was holding her hand in front of her as she put her hands under her skirt and pulled off her panties and she handed them to her. Millina felt the wind cares her under her skirt making her very a ware of her lack of her panties as they walked the rest of the way to the car.

As they reached the car Mary turned to Millina while she way John get into the driver seat. “Now we have a few rules for you Millina you are to address me, Mistress and John Master at all times. And you are not to wear underwear while you stay at our place, unless we tell you otherwise, understood? Millina nodded and whispered a meek “Yes, Mistress” to which Mary answered “good pet, now turn around put your hands on the roof of the car” Millina was not really sure what to do and hesitated then Mary a little louder “Today pet or you will be punished as the first thing we get home and me and John had other plans we will be really disappointed” Millina really wished to please them they seemed very nice so she quickly turned around and put her hands to the roof of the car then she felt Mary lean into her from behind and her head close to her ear and she heard a light whisper “part your legs pet” she did slowly felling her cheeks turn a little reddish in embarrassment.

Then she felt Mary’s hand between her tights from behind and they brushed over her labia’s she felt a shiver of shame run though her this couldn’t be happening she was standing in a parking lot and being felt up by another woman she let out a gasp as she feel one of the fingers go between them and inside her pussy finding it somewhat wet from the little walk and the talk from earlier at the café. She really wanted to fade away this very moment. Then she heard Mary wisher again into her ear “As I through our little pet is already horny so we will need to sit her on a pillow so she don’t wet the car seats” Millina was blushing deeply red with shame as she feel Mary leave her and learn into the car then handed her a small pillow. “pull up your skirt and sit on this as we drive home pet we don’t want you to make a mess in the car” Millina whispered a small “yes Mistress” before moving into the car and putting the pillow under her bottom as she seemed to have seated herself she hear a “no pets sit in the middle of the back seat with there legs parted so they are between the two front seats” it was again Mary.

Millina didn’t know how she could know how to humiliate her like this she shuffles over into the middle of the rear seat and parted her legs, then put on the seat belt. While she was not looking up feeling to ashamed to face Mary or John right now, luckily her skirt fell down covering her naked sex a little from there view she though. She had barely though it before she heard Mary again and saw her turn look behind to her from the passenger seat in front of the car “lift that skirt around your waist”. She did as asked gods this is embarrassing she though to herself. John and Mary seem to start to talk about what to make for dinner and small talk of some of there friends like Millina wasn’t even there. And she looked up to John who seemed to be driving the car without looking at her Mary seemed just to just look around at the surrounding as they drove not really taking notice that they had a half naked girl in the back of there car.

After a very long drive at least for Millina they drove to the drive way of a fairly large house. She knew John and Mary was quit well off and not having any kids, gave them a little more then most but it still was a little amazing seeing the house. There was a large hedge around the house. Mary turned to her “Millina take that pillow with you it is going to be your pillow for bed tonight”. Millina blushed deeply was she stepped out of the car with Mary and John and they walked to the house with the pillow she had been sitting on for the drive she noticed she made a small wet spot on it. Millina was led to the house door by John followed close by Mary they stopped there and looked at her. “Here you undress house pets doesn’t go around with cloth” Millina blushed deeply and slowly very embarrassed as the two fully clothed people watched her undress in front of the door as she was stake naked with her cloth in a small pile beside her John told her to kneel and she knelt down on the small mat at the door suddenly she felt a small hand gather her hair brushing a little over the skin at her neck caressingly then hold her hair about her head and she saw John walk to her with something in his hand it was a leather dog collar with a D-ring in front. “You will wear this until we can find something more special for you pet” Millina heard Mary whisper into her ear from behind. Millina lifted her hands to feel the collar around her neck closing her eyes amoment feeling it around it neck as she opened her eyes John was standing with a leash in his hand and then he fastened it to her collar.

“You may raise now pet” he said and Millina did. “First we are going to show you the house and then your room while you stay with us okay pet?” Millina managed to get a small yes Master out of her mouth. Then she was lead into the house first was a large hallway then into a large kitchen where Mary grin lightly and pointed to a door that leads to the washing room and our dungeon. Then Millina was lead to a room beside it a living room, dinning room and what appeared to be a office and library, before she was lead back into the hallway and John pointed to a door that is a bathroom master and mistress use and the other door is our bedroom then she was lead up stairs to a large living room again connected with a hallway with several rooms these are guestrooms and a studie and office me for if “me or Mary” need to work alone on something John explained your room will be the smaller guestroom for your stay we made a few changes to it. Millina was lead into the small room it wasn’t large and it seemed almost empty beside a bed, a table and two chairs one sitting chair and a livingroom chair there was a soft rug covering all the floor and in a corner was a large pet cage with a blanket in the bottom it seemed Millina would fit into it if she curled a little up she blushed at the thought. “Well now you know where you will be sleeping I think me and Mary will be going out in the garden” it was outside the living room downstairs was a small wooden sitting area with chairs Millina had seen it before they when upstairs.

“You will go make us dinner you have two hours pet food is laid out for you in the kitchen. When you are done you are to set up two plates in the garden for us.” “Yes, Master” Millina replied and Mary and John left her and she hurried down into the kitchen to see what was there. She found a cook book laid open on a page and a small note written with a nice fluent handwriting
“This is me and Johns favourite course do it well pet and don’t leave the kitchen until 10 min before dinner is finished to set the table
- Mistress”

Millina found a few of the things already prepared she did the as the recipe said looking a few times at the time she would be finished a little before the two hours was up she sighed relived. She blushed a little to herself thinking how odd it was being here cooking naked and wondering little how she would be eating but something told her she knew, from what she told John and Mary.

Under the cooking when she had breaks she would sit playing alittle with her dog collar considering why she liked the feel of it snug around her neck so much. Millina found some plates, glasses and cutlery then found a tray to put them on and carried it out to the table in the garden and set up the table John and Mary seemed to be gone but she didn’t want to go around there house to find them they asked her to only be in the kitchen and only when she needed to go to the garden to set the table for the two then carried out the food looking at it awhile not really sure what to do herself then she saw Mary and John coming from there bedroom smiling widely Mary was carrying large pillow while John had two pet bowls. Millina flushed deeply as her suspicion was confirmed. Mary set the pillow a little from the table where it would be in clear view of them from there table.

“Kneel on the pillow and wait for your food” John told her then he walked to the table while she knelt down on the pillow and watched as Mary sat down at the table and John put a little of everything into one of the bowls then filled the other with water and set them in front of Millina kneeling on the pillow. “Put your arms behind your back pet.” She did and she felt him put a set of cuffs around her wrists not painful but tight, she blushed profoundly and looks down into the two bowls in front of her. “You may eat pet.” He told her and walked to the table and sat down opposite to Mary and they started eating. Millina slowly lowered her head to the bowl trying to avoid her long hair falling into the bowl and nibbled some of her food feeling very embarrassed naked only wearing a set of cuffs and a dog collar eating from a bowl but as she ate a little slowly noticing how hungry she was she pushed her head deeper into the bowl making mess of her face and makeup but mostly avoiding to get her hair in the food.

And she drank some of the water slowly feeling how this was getting her wet being here embarrassing herself while two people were able to see her but not really seem to notice her. But she knew they both enjoyed it she flushed and hide her face into one of her bowls again. As she was finished she raised her head and looked at Mary and John and was looking at her seemly they had almost finished there meal too they talked some then they leaned over the table whispering something to each other looking to Millina and they both got up Millina’s heart was racing. John had a wide smile on his lips Millina wasn’t really sure what to make of Mary’s her lips was curled in a amused smile her eyes glittering Millina wasn’t really sure she liked that look helplessly cuffed kneeling on a pillow. Mary knelt down beside Millina

“Pet made a mess of herself Mistress and Master will have to give her a bath but…” She made a long dramatic pause “Mistress Want to see if pet liked the way dinner was” She then pushed her hand down between Millina’s legs and pushed her finger into her pussy very unceremoniously. Millina flushed deeply feeling the finger against her making her very ware of just how wet and excited eating like this had gotten her.

John put the leash back into her collar and pulled her out to the grass in the garden and gave the leash to Mary who looked at Millina then told her to stand still. John returned with the garden hose and sprayed the cold water over Millina. She yipped and gasped as the cold water washed over her trying to get away from the cold stream but was then told again and the water seemed to get somewhat less cold and they did her face too then they led her into the living room again Mary laying a few towels down on the floor before Millina got in dripping wet from the cold shower and shivering her hands still helplessly cuffed behind her back.

Mary then took off the collar and started to dry it while John started to rub one of the soft towels over Millina’s body drying her off. As Millina was getting the warmth back into her body she snuggled a little into John feeling his warm arms and body so near her own cold was really nice. Then she felt a collar go around her neck again it seemed Mary had dried it up or she simple gotten a new at least it was completely dry as she placed it back around Millina’s neck.

Then Millina hear the soft whisper from Mary in her ear “Now Mistress thinks it is time pet pleases Master for Mistress if she doesn’t do it will Mistress will crop pet so she can’t sit tomorrow” Millina swallowed a little lump. John was standing in front of her now as she looked up he was smiling widely and Mary’s whispered into her “ear open his pants pet with your mouth and then lick and suck master’s cock.” Millina lifted her face to John’s pelvis and started to struggle to undo his pants then pull them somewhat down his legs and she then worked on this shorts trying to get them off pulling with her teeth.

Millina struggled along time rubbing her nose and cheeks into his cock hiding under the shorts. Then looked to John and then to Mary hoping for a little help. John didn’t seem to want to say anything but Mary looking a little at her. “Oh pet need help? If she does she will need to beg Mistress to help her and tell why she needs it.” Millina got crimson red then whispered “Please Mistress pet need help taking off Masters shorts so she can lick and suck his cock.” Mary smiled widely down to Millina and ruffled her hair good girl then she moved behind John and slowly pulled his shorts down letting his manhood pop out in front of Millina and she started licking up and down it a few times. Then pressed her lips around it sucking it into mouth. And Lowered her lips over it sinking it into her warm moist mouth. And she heard Mistress whisper into her ear “good pet” as Master seem about to come from the licking and sucking she was pulled away by Mistress. “That is good enough for now pet” Then Millina was lead to her room on a leash by Mistress and the locked into the small pet cage after she removed her cuffs. “See you later pet Master and Mistress need to have a little time alone bye bye.” Millina was left alone in the dark room in the cage as Mistress turned out the light and closed the door walking back to Master.