Quote Originally Posted by rachel06 View Post

So here's what I'm afraid of, and I've been trying for a long time to figure out how to ask about it - If you really like to please another person, how can you tell what YOU want, and not what you want to want because it would please him? How can you tell what's pushing limits and expanding horizons, and what's a sick willingness to go along with anything?

because (im assuming here sorry) like many subs what turns you on isnt just about the actual sex act it's also because you are doing what He wants, and i think if you were pushing your limits way too far or found something really sick then you'd suddenly find that you couldnt or even wouldnt go ahead with it.
and if you've previously discussed limits nogoes etc then unless you're unlucky enough to be with someone who doesnt give a damn what you want or feel you're unlikely to ever truly find yourself in such an extreme position.