As said many times above, "If she truly wants to be with You then she would find a way."

But again, she could be going through a rebellious stage and again a really good way to stop this would be to tell her that it's unacceptable and ignore her for a set period. Make sure she knows why you're not speaking to her though.

But also, if she's one to forget her place then maybe You just need to give her one good thorough session of punishment. When I get out of line my Master (W/we have a very long distance relationship atm) will give me a very humiliating tongue lashing, afterwords it's like I can think more clearly thanks to the punishment.

Interestingly enough (and a bit off topic) this happened the first time just after O/our relationship went long-distance and I was missing Him horribly, I still miss Him like crazy and I've notice lately that when I'm missing Him the most is usually when I start acting up again. I'm endeavoring to be more careful of my actions so I don't disappoint Him again.
