I would add to not discount a man based on age or looks or some other factor until you have gotten to know him. You never know what may be if you don't give it a chance. I tried to do that with my Master but I couldn't stay away. We met on Alt and I wasn't looking for much more than advice and education at the time. He sent me a message and I felt drawn immediately. But then saw his age and pic and decided to thank him for the interest and good conversation but I was looking for a 'better fit'. Better in my eyes as being younger and more attractive (shh don't tell him I said that!).
No matter how hard I tried I could not stay away from him. Sending messages to him just to ask his opinion. Well long story short, he's my Master now and owner and I find him incredibly sexy even if at first I did not. Personality and connection can make up for a lot if you're willing to take a chance.

That being said, a man with poor hygiene is no catch at all so no second chances there!