Quote Originally Posted by steelish View Post
Not really. I watch NBC, CNN and read the daily paper in addition to watching Fox News. Fox News is a conservative station, to be certain. What I find amusing is how Glenn Beck shows his sources and encourages his viewers to "not take my word for it...DON'T blindly believe what I tell you. Investigate. Make your own decisions." People ARE now investigating things. That much is obvious. Have any liberals specifically sat and watched Fox, or do they simply agree with what the other stations say about Fox News without actually seeing for themselves, that is the question.

Heh. I have yet to see NBC, CBS, CNN, CNBC, etc. tell their viewers to "not take their word for it" to "investigate all their claims".
Beck described himself on the View as a commentator as opposed to a journalist. Anyone who thinks him as a journalist has been misled. So yeah, check his facts.

And I was replying to Duncan's assertion that by a few statistics, you can't assume one side is more biased then the other. I can pull out a whole bunch on stats based on teen pregnancy, education rates, crime rates, etc and show you how Red States are behind then blue states, but it's not a fair assumption I can make without actually researching into the topic, figuring out social and other aspects in it.

Hopefully I haven't done this, (If so please call me out) but generalizing isn't helping any discussion. I know and deeply admire some people with politics that vastly differ from mine, but that doesn't mean either of us is ignorant, or biased. Senseless name calling dumbs down the discussion rather then promote solutions.